The Adventure Begins

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Beep Beep Beep

The alarm echoed through your head as you prided your eyes open. The groan beside you notified you that Alya was awake.

Quickly turning off the alarm Alya sat up in her bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes you sat up as well. "I guess we should hurry." Alya yawned as she quietly slid out of bed, you following soon after.


After getting changed out of their pajamas, they set their plan into action. Stuffing as many clothes they could fire into one bag and stuffing another bag full of drinks and snacks for the trip.

"Alright I think we have enough stuff." Alya said, putting Gram 'Nackers in the "Snackpack". (Y/n) took a second to think before heading upstairs; coming back down carrying two jackets, "Let's take these just in case it gets cold on the way." They handed Alya a striped jacket and kept the (f/c) one.

"Alright, let's go!" Alya fisted the air as she opened the front door. Following behind her (y/n) held on tightly to the straps of her backpack.


Finally making their way out of their hometown, the sun was barely starting to rise.

"We should hurry and at least make a little farther away from Kaysersberg." (Y/n) tugged Alya with them trying to move quickly, "Alright, alright, I'm moving my legs (y/n) chill out, okay."

(Y/n) only replied with a nod, letting go of her hand.


After a few more hours of walking the two child took a seat beside a large tree.

"So we made it into the forest! Can we PLEASE take a break and eat something, I'M STARVING!" Alya cried flailing her arms around emphasizing her empty stomach, "Okay okay, we can take a break and eat." (Y/n) smiled at their dramatic friend and taking the snackpack off her.

"The adventure begins today, (y/n)."

That voice is back, I wonder where or,....who it is.


Sorry for all the time skips everyone, but I don't really want to write a bunch of pointless crap at 3:30 AM. ♡

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