File 5637 opened
Name: Nim
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual ((likes to say he's straight though))
Relationship: Single
Fake Personality: Nice, fun, funny, great friend, will do anything to help someone out, helpful, dreamer, happy, cheerful, never sad, is always positive, no one has ever seen him cry, strong, handy
Real Personality that he hides away: Sad, depressed, calm, never seems to smile, is always negative, strong, protective, never cries but keeps the tears inside him, dreamer, will sacrifice himself for the one he loves, doesn't want people to worry about him
Reputation: Wanted
Reason Wanted: Classified
Backround: Unknown
Weapon: Staff that if you press a button on the side spikes spin out to the top
Theme song: Rolling Stone