Chapter 5

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After The Ms and Mr. Intrums I have nothing else to worry about all I have in my mind is Y/n.  I quickly hop in my car and go. I drove for several minutes before arriving at Y/n's house. I rang the doorbell, and Aunt Tiffany answered.

"Hi Jimin Comeone in" Aunt Tiffany welcomed me 

"Good evening Aunt I'm here to visit Y/n"  I hand Aunt the fruits I purchased on my way. After graciously accepting the fruits, she permitted me to enter Y/n's chamber.

She's asleep, so I carefully close the door as I walk in. I still woke her up even though I cautiously closed the door


"I'm sorry Did I wake you?" I worriedly asked

"It's ok. I'm glad you visit. Where's the others?" 

 "They don't know that I'm here. I didn't invite them to accompany me because I came here thinking about you solely. I'm really worried about you." 

"T-thank you for worrying but I'm getting better" 

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you were sick just found out because Nicole told me" 

"You don't have to be sorry knowing that you care is already enough"


7:00 pm

"I brought your food Aunt cooked your favorite, how do you feel now?" I concernedly asked while I helped her sit up on the bed, and placed the bed table and the food in front of her."

"Thank you, I think my fever is not going down. You should go now Eomma is there to take care of me you need to rest there's school tomorrow" 

"It's ok. There is no school tomorrow" 

"Why?" she confusedly asked 

"Rest because of the Ms. And Mr. INTRUMS"

"ah ok. But you still need to go home now It's getting late" 


"Jimin please"

"OK. I'll go back tomorrow"

"Thank you For taking care of me."

"No worries."


It is six o'clock in the morning. I just finished my daily chores and had breakfast. And I asked permission from Eomma (my mom) for permission to visit Y/n; she said yes, so I left right away.

I drove for a few minutes before arriving. However, I got Y/n some fruits so she could start recovering right away and Aunt Tiffany some cake before I headed to her place. I got out of my car after grabbing the cake and fruit basket from the front seat.

"Good morning Aunt" I happily greeted 

"Good morning!" aunt happily greeted back

Aunt hugged me and I hugged her back and gave her the cake. I gave Aunt the cake and she gladly accepted it. 

"Good morning Jimin!" Uncle Alie happily greeted me as he went down the stairs 

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