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chapter 9 ♡》

chapter 9 ♡》

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"hey.." y/n whispers to jungkook, crawling through the bushes, "what do you call a pig that knows karate?"

"hmm? oh, I don't know.." he looked serious, the plan was going great, three minutes after 10 o'clock and all that happened was nothing. jungkook made a large spear out of a tree branch and a rock. he was going to strike him in the front, and yoongi was going to strick him in the back while y/n searched for his knife. that was the plan, and if it worked out, it would be completed, they would be able to go home.

"a pork chop.." she busted out in quiet giggles and so did jungkook.

yoongi rolled his eyes and went on ahead.

if anything the thoughts of finally getting out of here was something she wanted. she really did. but she hadn't been around people in a long time. especially large crowds.

what was she suppose to do when she had to meet people. to talk to them and have conversations.

she hadn't really gave it much thought, but however long she had been there, she was pretty sure things were different.

at least technology.

she thought more and more about it until her confirmation banished into thin air. biting her lip she looked at jungkook. she couldn't do anything really.

she was fragile and week.

the only thing she really could do was distract and if she failed at that, the were literally fucked up.

yoongi noticed her across the area, he noticed how she was looking, acting.

she was wondering the best about things outside again, trying to gain confidence back. but she knew deep down, in reality she might not make it.

how was she going to get a knife that was the size of something she couldn't put her finger on, on a man that was at least 4 feet bigger than her?

she bit her lip more until she tasted blood, "aish." she almost started to complain but that was until she heard movement and laughing.

"FINALLY YOU ALL CHOOSE TO PLAY MY GAME!" he laughs a bit at the end. he wore a purple hat this time, with a black bow, it was made out of silk and his suit had a weird design on it. his bow tie was crooked but, his teeth were straight. he was a korean man at his finest, even though he was crazy.

"y/n..." he made a noise with his tongue. "why are you just standing there?" he tilted his head to the side. "huh? man, did you loose your voice."

"no." she replied in english to him, "I didn't."

"then we'll play." he grinned and took of his top hot, bowing at her like they were fixing to dance or a simple greeting.

y/n noticed yoongi moving to the back of him and jungkook started to go around. they were ready.

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