Chapter 1

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Yami's POV

I sat in front of the blank computer screen, staring into space. Just the day before, my heart had been broken by the woman I thought I loved. Now I just feel nothing. I sit there cradling my head in my arms, wallowing in self pity.

"Why me?" I moaned. "Why did you have to leave me Jess!" I screamed at the empty house. The only reply I got was the empty echo of my own voice. At that moment I heard a little ping saying someone was calling me up on Skype. I pulled up the screen to find Mark's smiling face gracing my screen. Staring at his caller ID I smiled sadly. I don't want him seeing me like this. I click the ignore button on his call and return to my curled up state to continue my wallowing.

Mark's POV

My smile fades from my face as my call to Aaron is ignored. I frown puzzled as to what could've made Aaron not answer my Skype call. Maybe he's hurt... or maybe even dead! I thought this while trying again to call him up on Skype. Again I get no answer. I run my hand through my hair, making it stick up even more than usual. I quickly grab my phone and send a text to him saying; "Aaron? Are you all right? Why aren't you answering my Skype calls?" I pressed send I stared at my phone intensely, hoping that his phone would vibrate and show Aaron's goofy British face. His phone remained blank.

A/N Pls leave some comments telling me how i'm doing since this is my first and all. Pls and thank you. :)

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