To Reward a Drunk Man

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*This chapter initially was published as a BONUS CHAPTER for my other Retelling, After the Football Game which is the story of TinCan right after the last episode of Love By Chance. I am making a copy of it here so that this work can be read as a standalone.

*Disclaimer: This retelling is done for fun and for purely entertainment purposes. The characters and situations in this story is owned by the author, MAME who wrote the novel, How to Secretly where this retelling is based off. This work is non-commercial and will never be for financial gain. 


It had been a busy day at work.

Closing the door of his office with a bang, Techno strolled out of the office building and walked just a few blocks to where he knew Tharn and Type were waiting for him; the couple asked him through Line messenger earlier to hang out. Being Friday and needing some time off from an especially tiring week, Techno was looking forward for some time with his friends.

The busy streets of Bangkok were a welcome sight. As tired as he may be, the continuous and incessant blaring of horns and the streaks of passing light gave him a bit of a view. The tall skyscrapers that loomed above him like hulking giants were lit with countless lights, much like stars that have descended. As tired as he was, he picked up his pace, knowing that the couple would be waiting for him, probably already on their way to being drunk. He smiled at the thought, glad that his friends were still as happy as from their days as a couple in university; but it also reminded him that he was alone.

Single and a virgin to boot; he shook his head but continued on his way. The pub was not really far. And it was a popular destination for the Friday night crowd. As he approached, he saw that it was a bit full but not crowded as how it would definitely be in a few hours time.

He felt a little invigorated as he entered the lively pub. There was an acoustic player singing on the platform at the very end of the rectangular room. Not too far from the performer, he saw the tall form of Type stand up and called up to him.

"Techno! "

He smiled and hurried over, navigating through tables laden with an assortment of drinks and plates of foodstuff. Most of the people in the crowd were university students but a few scattering of young professionals like he was were also present. He could already feel the tension of the week gradually disappear. This was what he needed; a much needed break from work life.

He suddenly wondered if his brother Technic was there with his constant friend, Kengla but did not see either when he strained his neck and swept his gaze across the crowded room.

"Finally, you're here. " Tharn said, handing him a shot glass filled with the light amber liquid which he knew was tequila from the bottle of Jose Cuervo gold that was already half-emptied on the table.

"I said I would come, I just had to finish some work before the weekend, " Techno's face was smiling despite his earlier stress, already feeling better at the prospect of a fun-filled night. Who knew, he would meet someone tonight.

"Hahaha, "he chuckled to himself, picked up a pinch of salt, licked it from the back of his hand chugged at the tequila and bit on a slice of lemon that was on the table.

"Enjoying yourself aren't you. "Type said, a smile on his face as he looked at Techno.

"Yeah, definitely. "

The golden liquid went down his throat like fire and gave him a warm tingling sensation. A shot that was soon followed by another, and still another until the table was soon decorated with sucked pieces of lemon slices, and 2 empty bottles of tequila.

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