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My vision was going in and out as I heard sirions approaching.

I slowly tried to sit up but fell back in pain holding my stomach thay was bleeding.

I looked to the side and I didn't see Kayonna causing me to panic and I sat up anyways ignoring the pain.

Soon the ambulance, police, news, all arrived and they opened the door.

"Don't worry help his here, what's your name son?"

"Kash.." I answered wincing in pain.

"Alright Kash, we're gonna try to get you out, but ima need for you to apply pressure to your stomach for now"

I nodded in pain and did what he told wincing as they gently helped me out the car and onto the stretcher.

"Nah wait, Kayonna, she was here with me " I said stopping the man.

He looked to the side then gave me a nervous look before stepping off to the side giving me a clear view of Kayonna who was on the hood of the car that crashed into us and her side windshield had a big ass hole in it.

"You're lucky you had a seatbelt on, or that would've been you" the man sighed rolling me away and into the ambulance.

I looked up again and the man sighed.

"You need to stay relaxed man, we got her" he nodded and Got inside shutting the doors.

I felt myself loosing more and more blood and my vision became blurry before everything went black again

I woke up to a bright ass light pissing me off.

"What the fuck get this shit out my face" I groaned clearing my throat with my eyes squinted.

"It's sunlight Dumbass" I heard and saw Brian getting up and shutting the blinds alowing me to open my eyes fully.

My ma, Jada, Dajah, and Derek was all in the room.

"Thank god" my momma sighed getting up and going into the hall.

"Yo what the fuck happend?" Jada asked

"Ion know, I was chillin with Kayonna then two cars ju- hold on how's Kay?" I asked trying to sit up but winced in pain causing Brian to push me back down making me wince even more.

"Shit bro my bad"

"Dammit move!" I said with a attitude and he chuckled

"We Don't know, they won't update us, but it was bad Kash" Dajah said and I sighed.

My moms came back in with a nurse and she smiled.

"Good to see you up Kash, we're gonna go through a few procedures just to make sure everythings fine" she said and I nodded.

"What's your full name?"

"Hell nah, Keshawn nun of your business" I said causing everybody to smack their teeth.

She lifted the covers up to where it was just my legs.

"Hols the fuck up yall got me in a dress?" I asked and everybody snickered except my momma who was straight facing me.

"Can you feel this?" She asked tapping a pin on both of my legs and I nodded

"Move your knees up a little" she said and I did.

"How's your back?"

"Killing me" I replied

"Do you remember what happend?"

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