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¨I can help.¨ It was the man from before incidental could happen. greed walked over to him all he had was a first aid kit. "C' mon you dam bindle!" greed scoffed. He walked over to greed and followed her to fang. Greed closed the door and kneeled next to him as fang closed the door behind him. The man kneeled down "I'm AJ." he stated. "He alive?" AJ nodded while starting to take off fonics shirt and look at the wound ."He's just unconscious. So they should be fine" Fang let out a relieved sigh "Thank god." AJ finished up the stitch to seal up fonics wound and signaled for greed to hand him the bandages "thanks. So, Fang?" "What?" AJ finished up the badges. "This your boyfriend?" Greed laughed. "WHA- No! i-I'm not gay!" AJ stood up and gathered his things "To get him out of here you'll have to carry him bridal style. so have fun with that." fang looked at greed and rolled his eyes as AJ held the door open for fang with a smirk. As fang carefully began to pick up the smaller man he glared at AJ "you owe me" he hissed as he started to walk out the back entrance of the bar. Everyone started to Giggle when they saw Fangs irritated a flustered face. "what are you assholes Giggling at?!" He yelled. Everyone walked out and jumped into their cars, greed got into a separate vehicle with Dai and Sai. Fang got into a car behind them with AJ and Fonic who was still unconscious. Greed was in the driver seat while Dai and Sai were in the back of the car. Greed put in the keys and turned to start the car as soon as they started driving a conversation started up with the three "Ya' know I really don't like that AJ guy!" "same..." "What's wrong with AJ?" "well he just comes out of no-wear when the dom needs him?! isn't that a bit weird?!" "Be Glad He was there and bothered to help." "Come On greed, you have to know that's a bad sign for anyone" "well it is weird...but I'm just happy he was there that's all" Dai turned to look out the window "plus he makes it seem like fang and fonic are carrying torches for each other or something!" Greed nodded and it took her a moment but she brought it up "wasn't there a rumor that he was with Finne waller?" Sai shook her head "Whatever happened to Finn was a tragedy to the mafia but it wasn't fonics fault" greed turned her eyes back onto the road and looked at the back mirror that was facing Dai and Sai "sure..well go with that..." greed had already known what might have happened to Finne Waller, he was most likely with fonic, Finne found out Fonic was using him for sex Finne tried to leave fonic and tell people about them so, fonic shot him on Russian turf. Or At least that was the rumor but what many had claimed happened was finne was shot for messing around with a girl who belonged to a Russian mobster. But many knew finne wasn't that kind of guy. He wasn't one to be mean to a doll-faced woman even when he was drunk and yes he was good friends with fonic, but could they have really? 'No...' greed questioned to herself 'i doubt it..'.


Fangs Pov (YES SOME POV) (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

I walked into the house and looked around, it was large, two stories and had a nice dinner, and looked like a good place all around AJ walked into the house as well. "show offs" I nodded as he walked back to the car to get fonic "No kidding" I picked up the small man out of the car slowly and carefully minding his wounds, when I finally managed to pick him up greeds car pulled up to the house and into the driveway with a small screech. The driver seat door slammed as greed jogged into the house quickly while Dai helped Sai out of the car. "Come on sai" Dai kept his head down away from me as Sai and him walked over to "remember after this we're back to being enemies" Sai rolled her eyes, "Good RIddance" I followed the two back inside greed was sitting on the couch with AJ chatting and smiling with some whiskey shots poured and some unopened beers on the table I looked at fonic and then at Dai and Sai who were just settling down on the couch "Where do I set it?" "Him!" "ugh..upstairs down the hall take a left on the right" I started my way upstairs down the hall, and like Dai said I took a left and I looked to my right there was a white door with a clear gold door handle I turned it and pushed in opening the door and walked in and I was surprised to what I found it was your average room there was a desk in the left corner next to the closet with gray slide doors the bed had white sheets and pillows tucked in nicely and a white and black blanket with a wooden nightstand that had a lamp with a book called "Play with Fire" on it "hmm that's interesting" I walked into the room and closed the door minding my step for the messy floor with papers a file or two and some clothes on the floor "Mph.." I looked at fonic as I finally set him down onto the bed. Fonic started to wake up still a bit drowsy from what happened. "Ugh what the hell...?" I backed up a bit but I wasn't fast enough "....hi...?" he finally noticed I was there "what the hell are you doing here?" I watched as he looked around a bit "I Carri-" "ed Me back?" fonics usual sneer returned to his face "well thank you doll" "don't call me that" fonic turned to me and I felt a wave of heat rush onto my face "WHy..." Fonic put his leg in between my legs and pressed up against my crotch "Something" wrong.?" i looked down at fonic and noticed his lips "uh..i- get off me" i managed to croak out "why..? i looked at fonic in his eyes "because if you don't something will happen" i tried to sound threatening as much as anyone could in this situation "Is that a threat of a challenge" he wasn't going to stop anytime soon so why not give him what he wants? l started to kiss him roughly and he immediately kissed back I picked him up and carried him over to the wall and closed the door with my foot as we went deeper into the kiss I started to lose my breath and pulled away from him panting as fonic started to catch his own breath " trying to kill me?" I looked down at fonic "do you want me to..." fonic smirked at me and nodded and we got back to our little make-out session I looked down at fonics neck and started to kiss it slowly making small red hickeys "ah~...f-fang?" I looked at him "yeah...?" "we should stop now, we might get caught it we keep going" I set him down not realizing he took off his blazer "alright" I bent down and kissed him on the cheek "so...why exactly did you kiss me?..was it because you like me or was it something else" fang grabbed his hand and sat fonic down next to him on the bed "Because I like you.." "-like...." I looked down at fonic confused "yeah?" "so you don't love me you like me" I paused for a second "no- fonic I mean I don't know if I love you but I like a lot" fonic pulled me down and kissed me on the cheek "you should get back downstairs I'll be there in a bit" I nodded and closed the door behind me and headed downstairs until I saw AJ wandering around.

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