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"Let's play pin the tail on the Yoosung!" hooted the red-head. "We got a Yoosung who has graciously approved of this fun, brain enriching activity, and now all we need is a tail, and of course, Mista Trustfund Kid will allow us to use my beloved Elly's tail!"

     "No way in hell." Shot back the black haired, with a deadpan face.

     "Aw, c'mon! Stop ruining the fun here on Y/N's birthday!"


     The bathroom door opened up, and Yoosung walked out, "I finally fixed my hair after Seven ruffled it... so, what have I missed?" he beamed at everyone.

     "Nothing, my Beloved!" Saeyoung seemed to slide across the cake-mess of a floor towards the unsuspecting blond, before he wrapped his arms around him and caressed him. The move was so smooth that Yoosung couldn't help but freeze in horror, he then aggressively shoved him away, then they both started squabbling.

     The scene that happened before your eyes was a totally ordinary occurrence in whichever house the RFA gathered in. It would always transform from a respectable place to live in, to this zoo of an accommodation. The event that caused your gathering at Saeyoung's house today was, as mentioned before, your 21st birthday, and boy was it more of a 'Harass-Yoosung-Day'  thanks to your... friend, Saeyoung. You smiled to yourself as you took in the happy scene before your eyes.

     Mother Jaehee then rose to push the two men away from each other, "Hey, now. Let's stop this nonsense and celebrate Y/N's birthday properly," she then clapped, "NOW–!"

     That was when Saeyoung's phone's alarm went off, signifying the end of the celebration. The end? Yeah.  Today really wasn't a happy day to celebrate. Behind the laughter and smiles, everyone was tensed up because today was the fated day; the day that Rika agreed to release Saeran on special terms that only Saeyoung knew...

     "Ah..." Saeyoung glanced up, one of his hands still tugging at Yoosung's cheek while the other swiftly turned off his alarm, "It's time to leave!" his hand released Yoosung's cheek and he rose up and headed towards the door. Before he got there he turned back and nodded his head towards you, signaled for you to come along, which caused your heart to palpitate.

     Everyone else just solemnly watched from the sidelines, knowing that nothing could change Saeyoung's mind once it was made up. He has decided to leave, therefore he will. He has decided to go alone, yet he was now signalling you to follow him...? You glanced around you and noticed that curiosity was written over everyone's faces. It also was bubbling within yourself.

     You followed your friend till you reached his car, but that was where he stopped you.


     "You aren't coming with me. I just wanted to say... sorry. To apologize for everything; from your crappy birthday, to the solemn forced atmosphere throughout... I have never really told you my true feelings and..." he hesitated, "I don't think that I will, not now. But I will when I return." He smiled and patted your head.

     "What do you mean, 'crappy'?" the anger than has been boiling up inside you because of your red-headed friend has finally come spilling out. This was the last straw. "What true feelings? We're friends, aren't we? That's what you said... That's what we'll always be. And what's with that horrid attitude of making me think I'll accompany you to save Saeran, but then changing your mind half-way?" Tears were now streaming down your face, the stress that you bottled up within you has now come spilling out, like a fizzy drink being opened after violently shaking it, "I'm accompanying you no matter what you say!"

     Despite the pained look in his eyes, he shook his read resolutely, "no." he quickly spun around and opened his car door. He had one leg in his car when you slapped him across the face and ran off without looking back. "Enjoy your meeting with your lovely Rika!" you yelled over your shoulders without giving him a second glance.

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