RIP Robin Williams

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RIP Robin Williams 🎭

Love is all u need❤️

He whipes her tears from her face as if it was as gentle as a flower opening in spring. She sobs with lust and sorrow, he leans in to whisper and ask " Why is a lady with all that anyone could ask for crying , you have love a family what is wrong?" He pulls away slowly, after she pauses her crying she tells him she has a heart with holes that can't be filled by the love of her family. Nobody was able to fill the holes all she wanted was to have her dream come true, she had dreams of love with no romance, friends who were in love but yet to find it, for years whispering there complements to each other hinting the other with sprits of love, humor, as If it was a game. Next day a mans death this man was loved by everyone though everyone not knowing him personally just watching him act as another this other made us laugh and cry he once said "that the worst thing in life is not to end up alone but with people who make you feel alone" this made the girl realize that she just wanted him to be happy and her to be his friend and knowing it is not a bad thing to grow up alone as long as u grow up with the only person who makes u feel loved.

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