Chapter One - My First Day In Kid Jail

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Chapter One - My First Day In Kid Jail

I sat outside the principal's office and waited on a sofa as Narumi talked with him.

The door opened and Narumi came out.

'I've got your uniform and star ranking! You're going to be a special star! Come on! I'll take you to your room. He led me down a corridor until he came to a room with my name on it.

'Here's your room and your uniform! I'll come tomorrow to get you for class.' He smiled before handing me a small key and prancing away like a ballerina. I opened the door and walked in.

It was very spacious. There was a king sized bed in the bedroom and it had a living room and a kitchen and a big bathroom. I lay down on the bed and let sleep consume me.

The next day I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. I quickly got dressed and exited my room and walked out into the corridor and waited for Narumi to come. As I waited I noticed that there weren't many special star dorms. I closed my eyes and leaned against my door. I quickly opened them again as one of the doors opened. A boy around my age came out and narrowed his eyes once he saw me before turning away and walking to his class. 5 minutes went by. Then 10. Finally Narumi came.

'Sorry Mikan-chan! I forgot to come and get you!'

I inwardly sweat dropped but remained silent and just acknowledged him with a small nod.

We kept walking until we reached the class room.

'Stay here until I tell you to come in.'

I silently nodded again.

He opened the door and I swear that the noise could have blown off my ears. Knowing that this was probably someone's alice I activated my nullification alice before stopping and looking at Narumi for my cue.

'Everyone! We have a new student today! Please welcome in Mikan-chan!' Narumi announced as the class quietened down at the mention of a new student. I took this as my que and walked in. I stood beside Narumi and wrote my name on the board before bowing.

'Do I have any questions for Mikan-chan?'

'What's her alice?'

'What is her star ranking?'

'Are you single?'

'What ability class is she in?'

Narumi looked at me for permission before answering them, 'She's a special star, I'm pretty sure she's single and she's in the special ability class. As for her alice, if she wants to tell you it, that's fine but I can't. Because there's a new student, it's a free period and Mikan-chan's partner will be Natsume-kun. He's the boy at the back with the manga on his face. Bye!'

He left after winking and shutting the door.

I made my way to this Natsume person and sat down next to him. I leaned my head on one hand and gazed out the window. I didn't feel like interacting with anyone but it seemed that some people didn't get the message.

'I am the president of the Natsume and Ruka fan club and I demand that you leave my future husband's seat and renounce your role as Natsume's partner and hand it over to me this instant!' A girl with green permy hair said. I just raised an eyebrow at her and I couldn't keep a small amused smile of my face. I contemplated tell Permy to buzz of but the Natsume guy did for me.

'Go away.' Two words that worked like a charm. Permy ran away with hearts in her eyes shouting the words, 'YES NATSUME-SAMA! ANYTHING FOR YOU NATSUME-SAMA!'

'Tch. Too noisy.' He turned his head to me. 'Who are you?' He asked bluntly.

A boy with glasses on his nose answered for me. 'That's Sakura Mikan.'

'And what is she doing, sitting next to me?'

'Narumi-sensei assigned you to be her partner.'

'Tch. I don't need another fan girl.' He turned away and went back to reading his manga.

'Sorry Sakura-san. He's almost always like this. My name is Yuu. I'm the class president. If there is anything that is bothering you or if you need help with anything just come ask me.' He smiled and I gave him small smile in return.

He returned to his seat as a teacher came in holding a stick with a frog on his shoulder. He looked around the classroom until his eyes came to a rest on me.

'I see that we have a new student. I'll explain the rules as I think that that stupid teacher of yours hasn't. My name is Jinno-sensei and that is what you will address me as. You will do everything I tell you to do or else.'

And so the lesson began but I had already learnt it so I just zoned out and stared out the window.

'New girl! Pay attention!' Obviously I had zoned out and not heard him but out of the corner of my eye I saw something coming at me so I immediately activated my nullification alice. I turned my head to meet the angry gaze of Jinno-sensei. He held his stick like a wand and pointed it at me as electricity came out. It charged at me before hitting m y barrier of nullification and dancing around it before disappearing. His look of anger turned to one of shock similar to the students who were watching.

'You... You are... Are you Sakura Mikan?'

I nodded.

'D-daughter of Yuki and Yuka Yukihara?'

I nodded again.

'I'm so sorry Sakura-sama!' He knelt down and bowed his head. 'I didn't know it was you. Please forgive me.' He looked up at me and I nodded again. He stood up and bowed. 'Thank you Sakura-sama.'

He turned away. And looked at all the students who had their mouths open. I inwardly cringed. Now they were probably going to harass me even more. I need to get out before lunch starts. I stood up and walked past Yuu and motioned for him to follow me. He glanced at the teacher and Jin Jin nodded. We exited the classroom as the whispers began to get louder.

As we walked away, Yuu looked at nervously.

'Uh...where are we going?' He asked.

I shrugged, 'Somewhere quite away from prying eyes.'

He loomed at me startled. 'You talked. I thought you were the silent type for a moment.'

I laughed softly as we approached a blooming sakura tree. I sat down at the base and motioned for Yuu to sit down next to me.

'Can you teach me about the school? I don't understand what this special star class stuff is.'

'Oh. Sure. The school is divided into star groups. No star. One star. Two stars. Three stars and special star.' He looked at me before continuing. 'No star is the lowest and special star is the highest alice ranking you can achieve. Your alice must be pretty powerful if you're a special star. There is only one other special star in our grade and that's your partner Hyuuga Natsume. Our alices are divided into four groups. Technical. Latenent. Special and dangerous. Technical is all about technology so inventing or chemistry alices. Latenent is all about talent so art or mind reading. Special are all the alices that don't really fit in so cloning or shadow manipulation. Dangerous are all the elemental alices and powerful ones that the students have already mastered. After lunch, we are required to go to our alice class to train our alices.' He passed before looking at me curiously as I took everything in. 'If you don't mind me asking, what is you alice and why is Jinno-sensei afraid of you?'

'I don't mind you asking. And it's not alice, its alices. I have more than one.' Yuu's eyes were wide as saucers as the bell rang for the start of lunch.

'Oh shoot! Student body meeting!' He gave a hesitant smile. 'I hope you'll tell me what your alices are later!' And with that he left.

I sighed, stood up, crossed my arms and leaned on the trunk of the tree. 'Listening to people's private conversations isn't very nice, Hyuuga-kun.'

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