i think that wint well :)

4 0 0

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Pasta.

Stranger: Do you exist?

You: yes

Stranger: Cool

You: do you?

Stranger: I suppose so, yes

You: ok cool

Stranger: Are you okay?

Stranger: Are you good?

Stranger: How's life?

You: well its not going so well to be frank...

Stranger: Ah I see

Stranger: How so, young person?

You: well my sister died in a reck...

Stranger: Ah

Stranger: I'm sorry for that man

You: and my dad is a drunk...

Stranger: Ah, that's terrible

You: that beats me and my mom...

Stranger: Damn

You: so to fix it and keep me and my mom safe...

You: i killed him...

Stranger: Ah okay

You: my mom freaked out and i ran away...

Stranger: And where are you now?

You: in a house of a guy i killed....

Stranger: Ah okay

You: i have to kill now...

Stranger: Oki

you: ikd

you: idk

You: why

Stranger: Happens

Stranger: Go to the police

Stranger: They will help

You: it gust feels godd to see the light leave thare eyes

You: good

Stranger: Cool

Stranger has disconnected.

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