Lucky Me

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-Hi please bare with me. I haven't published or written anything on here in so long so I was 12 lol. My spelling and grammar may not be the best but I kinda don't care too. Sorry if this was short and I apologized if this was cringe or bad lmao enjoy. x


Pit pat, my heart went. His soft skin brushed against mine as he passed by. I felt electricity, but I refused to look up. I kept my head down and acted as if I didn't notice it. I let a few seconds pass by before I turned my head over my shoulder to steal a glance but he was already so far ahead. 

Ruby Da Cherry. I was just centimeters from his presence and basically touched him. Chills went through my spine, making me shudder. Why the hell was he in the same tattoo shop as me? Was the universe giving me a sign? I rolled my eyes to myself, continuing to walk out the shop. I had just gotten my third tattoo. I wanted something to cover up the scars on my wrists. I always tell myself that it's all in my head, but I feel like everyone is always staring at my arms. 

"Um, excuse me?" I hear from behind me, I spun around on my heels. My heart dropped into my stomach, it was Ruby. "Yo, I believe you dropped this or something." He held out his hand, exposing his palm and it was my keychain. I blinked, how'd I not know?

I tried to keep a straight face but I smiled small. "Oh damn, I had no idea I dropped this. Thanks for not stealing it." I gently took it out of his hand, I started to walk away again because I was too nervous to start a conversation with him. I listened to his and his cousin's music all day and everyday, it became the only music I really related to. But I was socially awkward and I knew I would embarrass myself.

"Hey wait!" He called out again. "I was sitting in the lobby watching you get your tattoo done and I gotta say it looks cool, what's your name?" I was surprised. Watching me? 

"I'm Devon and thank you." I feel heat rush to my cheeks and I tried to act like I wasn't blushing the slightest. "And yours?" I already knew but I didn't want to give off that annoying fan girl vibe.

"Ruby." He grinned and motioned closer to me. "I usually don't really go around asking girls this but, can I get your number?"

I was surprised how straight forward he was and I questioned why he would even want my number but I didn't hesitate. "Yeah of course." I pull out my phone and put my Touch ID in, pulling up into contacts and tapping on the tab to make a new contact. I carefully handed him my phone as he typed his number it. I felt like I could melt, watching him. He was so much more attractive in real life. 

"Cool." He handed it back to me. "I'll text you soon." He winked and walked back into the tattoo shop.

I blinked. What just happened? 


8:46 PM

Ding. Ding.

I groaned, waking up to the noise of my phone going off. My hair was a mess and in my face and I was drooling on my pillow. I must've passed out when I got back home. 

I had faced three blunts to the face when you got home. I needed to relax, my anxiety was all over the place and so was my excitement. But I knew I shouldn't have smoked too much because I would've always passed out and slept way longer than expected. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, my vision still a little blurry but I see an unsaved number. I blinked a few times and read it.

Ruby: Yo, it's Ruby. I hope you didn't give me a fake number because that'll fucking suck.

I laughed a little.

Senseless || Ruby Da Cherry ffWhere stories live. Discover now