Haruto's Backstory

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I'm not gonna waste time and just get right into it


Haruto lives in a world where Kitsunes are hunted for their incredibly soft and luscious fur. This forces the Kitsunes to live deep in the forest as a village. Since humans found out about the Kitsunes living in a huge group in the forest, there is constantly war going on between the two species.
One day, while Haruto and his parents were in their little house, the humans struck again. This time, with twice as many men from the battle prior to this one. Quickly, Haruto's father took of his scarf and gave it to Haruto.

"Take this and run with your mother, now."

He said before dashing off into battle.
Haruto swiftly tied the scarf around his neck. He ran with his mother to a near pond, where the Kitsunes of the village will seek refuge during battle
(If they were not warriors for battle).
The battle lasted a whole day, which felt like months to Haruto as he waited to see his father after this battle.
Soon enough, a wounded warrior cane to collect everyone. As everyone was heading back, he stopped Haruto's mother and said she needed to come with him, but Haruto needed to stay with everyone else.
Haruto's mother agreed, hesitantly, as she told Haruto to go with everyone else.
But, Haruto didn't like the fact that his mother was heading somewhere alone with another warrior. So of course, he followed the two Kitsunes back to the village.
Waiting there

Was a horrific sight.

It was Haruto's dad, in his fox form, covered in cuts and blood.
But the worst of all, was a sphere right through his stomach. There he lay, surrounded by blood, covered in blood.. dead.
Haruto was in so much shock, that he didn't even realize that the two kitsunes saw Haruto following them. Haruto's mother let out a horrid scream before running towards the dead body she knew as her husband. Haruto just watched in shock, before he realized tears were streaming down his face. He grabbed the scarf around his neck and fell to his knees. I'm a shaking mumble, Haruto swore that he would find the human that did this to him, and he shall get his revenge...

A/N: soo-
I'm not the exact best at writing backstories-
There is more ^^"""

{• Fast Forward •}

Haruto is now a warrior for his village, but he always takes time out of his patrol hours to spend with his mother, who is now old and ill.
One day, he went out to collect herbs for his mother in order to treat her illness.
While collecting, his eye caught a strange shape. When he looked closer, he realized that it was a human. Haruto flattened his ears as he was ready to turn into his fox form to attack.
However, when the human turned around, he froze.
She was a human with beautiful, long black hair. She was wearing a beautiful kimono as well.
When she saw Haruto, she instantly freaked out and started running. Haruto quickly ran after her, catching up to her quickly.
He was able to stop the frightened girl. Haruto examined the beautiful girl before noticing that she was cut on her calf. Haruto quickly ripped a piece of his sleeve and wrapped it around her calf to stop bleeding and to prevent infection.
Haruto quickly learned about this girl, who was called Saki.
She appeared to me a very kind and caring girl, so much so that Haruto brought her back to the village one day to introduce her to everyone in the village. Saki was always so fascinated with Kitsune's fur. Especially their tails. She loved how soft they were.. how warm they were... and she loved the fur in general
Haruto quickly noticed that.. he began to develop feelings rapidly.
Once day while collecting flowers for Saki, Haruto heard something... off..
He quickly realized

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