Shes here 💕💕💕💕

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Kayla POV :

I was twisting and turning all night , I cried and cried cause the Pain was getting worse and worser .

I couldn't even move , I started to cry and then the pain started making me scream .

I felt water go down my leg I screamed Laii name Loud as fuck .

She ran and fell I started to laugh , but the pain was making it worse .

She got up rubbing her leg , I started to laugh even more .

Fr my water just broke , she yelled your what she ran back out the room and grabbed her keys .

She woke tinky up and she got another ready , she grabbed my bags and her bags and walked me downstairs .

Once we reached the car the pain statrted to hurt and get worser .

I texted shoota but he didn't answer , I kept calling and texting and calling but he didn't answer .

I cried and cried even more I couldn't do it without him .

He reached the hospital and Laii got me a wheel chair all these doctors came .

And I told them I'm in labor they rushed me back there and put me in the bed .

They hooked up all this stuff and I was now feeling better cause they started to give me pain medicine .

I was so hungry I haven't ate and I can't ate I'm starving right now.

Hours passed by and it was just me and Laii she keep me clam .

My momma walked threw the door then shoota called and told me he on his way .

I was feeling happy , the doctors to start coming in and start checking me .

I was now In labor and shoota just walked through the door .

I smiled and he came up hugged me tight and rubbed my stomach .

The doctors came in and said I dilated 10cm it's time to push .

I got nervous and start crying I can't do it momma I said crying harder .

She wrapped my hand around hers tight and said we in this together .

It was now time to push and they counted down .




PUSH !! I pushed hard asf .

They told me push again and I told them I can't they told me hurry before the baby start suffocating .

Shoota told me " come baby you can do it " and kissed my lips




PUSH !!! They said and I began pushing I pushed and pushed .

The nurse told me there goes her head one more big push and she's out ready




PUSHHH !! I pushed long and hard and I heard her crying I started crying .

They cleaned her off and stuff and I was so tired they laid her on my chest and she was beautiful .

I looked at shoota and he was looking confused he kissed the baby and hugged her .

Then they took her to wipe her off , he had to handle something so he left .

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