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——◂〚 Y/Ns POV 〛▸——

I woke up and did my shit, I had this really weird dream last night where BTS wanted me to become their girlfriend. Crazy, I know right. I walk into my walk in closet and put on some random shit then head to the living room.
"Hey babe", Taehyung says from the couch.
"Wait... I'm actually dating BTS", I thought.
"Hey... babe", I say shakily (A/N: is it just me who thinks it's kinda uncomfortable for anyone to say babe or am I just really single)
"I'll stop calling you that", Taehyung chuckles.
"Thanks", I smile.
I head to the kitchen to drink some water because I'm 95% dehydrated, the other 5% is just my black soul. I see Jin whipping some eggs as I watch him while drinking my water, I turn around for one second to put the glass away then feel someone snake their arms around me.
"Good morning", Jin tucks his head near my neck.
"I could get used to this", I thought.
"Good morning to you to", I turn around and hug him back.
We stay where we are enjoying this cozy situation and close our eyes savouring this moment, it felt different when Jin and I were just friends, it had more meaning and feeling this time, I held Jin's heart in my hand and he held mine, we trusted each other.
"I didn't know we get morning hugs", Hobi waltzes in.
Jin and I just opened our arms and Hobi joined right away, it was kind of odd having multiple boyfriends but I could get used to it. I didn't know how I was going to spend time with all of them, give them all my love, make them happy but I was willing to try my best, right now I just need to let go for a few minutes because once I tasted this moment, I craved for more. It was perfect.
"I think the eggs are burning", Hobi sighs happily.
"Oh shit!" Jin departs our hug fest.
"I'll go wake up the rest", I say.
"Nooooo one more minute", Hobi whines and holds tighter.
"You'll get all my time soon enough Hobi", My voice was muffled as I was tucked onto Hobi's chest.
"Fine", Hobi pouts and lets me go.
"Come back soon my love", he dramatically acts.
I giggle at his antics and head to Yoongi's room, I quickly say good morning to Jungkook who came down the stairs as he sleepily waves back, I knock on Yoongi's door hearing no reply after a few minutes, I enter his room smelling a slight musk of his sweat. I head to the lump under the blankets being as quiet as possible, his hair was up here and there but he looked cute, his cheek was smooshed against his pillow and his mouth was slightly ajar, I kinda felt bad waking him up.
"Yoongi wake up", I whisper and shake his body a bit.
"C'mon Yoongi breakfast is about to be ready", I say a bit louder.
"Rise and shine princess", I tug on his ear as he groans.
"I'm gonna open the blinds if you d- ahh!" I squeal as Yoongi pulls me into his arms.
"Don't wanna wake up", Yoongi's morning voice grumbles.
Yoongi wraps both his legs around me and puts my head under his chin.
"C'mon Yoongi, I don't want to eat breakfast without you", I try to convince Yoongi.
"Fiiiiiinnnneeeee", Yoongi groans and dramatically whips the blanket off of us.
"I'll see you there", I get off the bed and head to Namjoon's room.

I knock on Namjoon's door as he opens it, he's already fully dressed and he is just drying off his hair.
"What's up", Namjoon says.
"Breakfast is about to be ready", I reply.
"I'll be there in a sec but can I talk to you", Namjoon asks seriously.
"Sure" I let myself into his room and close the door behind me.
"I'm sorry for everything", Namjoon broke out, a tear scaling down his cheek.
"I never meant to hurt you, I was just jealous and wanted your attention. I promise that I'll never hurt you intentionally, I just love you so much", Namjoon explained.
"I forgive you Namjoon. Just think before you act and keep calm, I'm all yours now so you have me for the rest of your life... I don't know if I'd call that good or bad but I love you too", I smile.
"You're the best thing that ever happened", Namjoon hugs me.
"C'mon Jin's gonna slap us if he doesn't see us in the next few seconds", I state.
"Let's go", Namjoon lets go of the hug and holds my hand.
We walk to the dining area hand in hand seeing Jin placing the last dish on the table, he calls all of us for breakfast as we 'quietly' take our seats (A/N: do you guys find it funny when your teacher says to leave quietly but then you hear a thousand chairs scraping the floor). We talk and eat with each other enjoying the happy presence... then Namjoon dropped a plate.
"Namjoon!", Jin exclaims.
"The God of Destruction is back", the maknae inputs.
"Sorry I can't control it", Namjoon says sparking something in my brain.
"Were you the one who caused the flood in your dorm", I query.
"Wow she caught on quick", Yoongi chuckles.
"Shut up", Namjoon takes his breakfast and eats in the living room.
"Oh yeah did we tell Y/N yet", Jimin suddenly says.
"I don't think so", Taehyung replies.
"Then just tell me", I state.
"We're going to Hawaii~!", Hobi shouts and starts hula dancing.
"Woah who said I was coming, does Bang even know about this", I exclaims, I wasn't one for air travel... makes me sick.
"Bang's the one who suggested it", Yoongi answers.
"And why wouldn't you come, you're our girlfriend", Jungkook innocently smiles.
"HONOLULU HERE WE COME!!!", Hoseok screams as the group cheers.
Honolulu here we come?

——◂〚 ° 〛▸——

A/N: after mentioning going to Hawaii in like chapter 5, we're finally going so pack your leis, coconut bras and hula skirts because you're going to enjoy Hawaii from the comfort of your home. Fun right!. I hope you can note my sarcasm.

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