Chapter 2 •|• I'm here..

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Killer was walking through the halls when he suddenly heard a knock from one of the windows. He went to check what was it when he saw Color.

What is he doing here !?  Killer thought. He opened the window to be met by a tight hug. "C-color!? What are you doing here?? Its--" Killer cut his words when Color put a finger in his non-existent lips. He blushed a cherry red at the act,Killer probably watched too much anime to think his in a anime series.

"What? I just want to spent time with you! Let's go to OuterTale?" Color said or asked,carrying a wide smile in his face. Killer started sweating,he was forbidden to go out unless NM gave him permission to. "But--" Killer's is once again cut by color speaking. "No buts! Just sneak out like you always do!" Color suggested. Killer let out a sigh,he can't say no to Color and if he did,Color will just force him anyway.

"Fine.." Killer soon agreed. Color held out a hand for him to help him get out on the window. Killer gladly took it and got out out,he closed the window and made sure no one sees them. The two started running away the castle to teleport,they can't teleport inside the castle because it has barrier to block magic so no one can use magic to sneak away. When the two is away from the castle,they teleported to OuterTale and sat on the grass. The stars were different today,they are more bright than usual.

Killer can't help but to smile,he remembered when he and his old friend Outer used to meet here and throw puns and jokes at each other. Those sure are some good time and he missed it. Outer is now living with Science and they are actually a couple. Killer admit that he got heartbroken cause he got a crush on Outer back then,but now he has moved on.

The time has come when Killer has to go back to the castle so he waved good-bye at Color the teleported back to the forest not far from the castle. He entered the castle to find no one, hmmm,maybe their on killing spree? Killer thought as he wandered around the castle. He suddenly heard someone crying when he walked near NM's room. He knocked on NM's door to check if he's okay but only faint sobs answered on him. The door wasn't locked in his surprised when he opened it. Once he peek his head,he saw NM in his passive form,crying I'm the corner.

Killer didn't hesitate to go to NM and comfort him,he rubs circles in NM's back to calm him down. "W-what's wrong?.." Killer asked,a hint of concern and worry I'm his tone. "I-I'm sorry.." was all NM said. He kept repeating the sentence and it's making Killer more worried. "Shhhh,it's okay... I'm here." Killer tried to calm him down and it actually works. NM soon fell asleep on Killer's lap as he sighs. "I'll protect you no matter what.." was all Killer said before he fell asleep with NM sleeping on his lap.

Word count: 541

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