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She pushed me away as I broke the kiss. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. It was just then that I looked at her carefully.

She had become skinny, her hair was shorter than it used to be and she just didn't look like my Riaana.

Hell, I don't even care about how she looks. She didn't seem like the Riaana I knew. She was changed.

"Riaana." I said getting hold of her wrists. "Look at me. Look at me, Ri."

"Go away. Don't come back. Leave me alone, Reyaansh." She screamed. "Why do you keep coming back ?"

She was just getting more violent. She ran back into the cottage, leaving me behind.

What happened to her ? Why- Why is she like this.

I ran into the house, behind her. Afraid of what she'll do.

"Riaana!" I called out to her in the house, hoping that she'll reply.

I heard things being thrown, she was in the kitchen.

"Riaana." I tried to take a step forward amidst all the shattered glass. She turned back to face me, with a knife in her hand.

"Riaana, what are you doing ? Put that knife down." I said, as calmly as I could. "Please"

"I'm sorry, Reyaansh. I killed you." She said.

"Riaana, you didn't kill me. I'm here." I said. "I'm right here. Please look at me."

She didn't even seem like she was listening. The crying had stopped. She looked pale, heartless and emotionless.

"Riaana-" I heard Varun scream just the moment when Riaana slit her wrist.

It all happened so quickly. She dropped to the ground, on the shattered glass. The blood pooling around her wrist.

Varun rushed to her, calling out her name, trying to wake her up.

He pulled out his mobile and made a call, while I, I still stood there. I knew what was happening around me, but I couldn't move one step forward.

Varun scooped Riaana into his arms and rushed into her room.

"Reyaansh." Aarunya called out for me, bringing me out from my trance.

"What - what did she just do to herself ?" I asked her.

She burst into tears and hugged me. I still didn't understand anything. What was happening here ?


"She's fine. She just needs some rest." The doctor said.

"Thank you, doc."

"Varun, has she been taking her medicines ?" She asked him.

Medicines? For what ?

"She has. Today's episode was just because she was shocked to see Reyaansh." Varun replied. "Also, I'd appreciate it if you could not tell anyone about Reyaansh and Aarunya."

"I won't. Don't worry. I'll be back to check on her tomorrow." The doctor said and left.

"What happened to her, Varun ?" I asked him.

"Reyaansh, I'm not sure if you're ready to here this yet."

"Just tell me, Varun."

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