Chapter Thirteen

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Damn it, my plan is to bring these two together, and yet William is looking at the two of us, and once again my arms are around Alex. What are you doing, Cat?

Alex stands up, and it isn't until this moment that I notice how much taller Alex is than William. I'm not sure what's going on, but Alex looks annoyed. "Chill. Something Cat just learned up upset her. Can you just back off a little here?"

William looks at me and back at Alex. "I thought we talked about this," William says to Alex.

Alex's eyes get wide. He smiles a pressed-lipped smile at me. "We'll be right back."

Then, to William's surprise, Alex drags him off, ironically, to the self-help section. They leave me wondering what the hell that was all about. Then a thought creeps in.

Is William jealous? He definitely doesn't seem to like the idea of Alex touching me. He's been giving him weird looks all day. No... that's crazy. I mean, if Alex is gay, what does William have to be worried about? It's not like he could have an interest in me, right? But then again, if William is jealous that means he DOES have feelings for Alex, and I'm doing the right thing by bringing them together.

That last thought should make me happy, but it leaves this pit in my stomach and an ache in my heart. No, Cat. You know... William or no William... Alex is not for you.

Both men return. Alex looks happier, but William now looks annoyed. Boy, would I have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation? Maybe I can get William to talk to me about it later. If he really has feelings for Alex, I hope he knows that will never change our friendship.

"Everything okay?" I ask, looking at both of them. Alex is all smiles and says, "Never better. So, what do you say to get the books we have here, and we go back to the apartment? We can continue to study there or call it a day. The choice is yours?"

I look over at William, who hasn't said a thing since coming back with Alex. "Is that okay with you?"

Alex elbows him. "Yeah, Cat. Whatever you want to do is good with me," he says, but he doesn't quite look at me. Okay, whatever is going on here, I have to understand it and quickly, because there is no way I'm losing my best friend over it.

"I'd love more time to spend with you today if you have the time? This has been really good for me. I think I've had a breakthrough today and I owe it all to you," I tell William, and I see his pout turn up at one end.


I put my arms around his waist. "I can't do this without you. You know that, right?"

Now I get a genuine smile. He stands a little straighter. "Damn right you can't and don't you even try to do this without me because it ain't gonna happen."

I give him a squeeze, and he puts an arm around me. "I love you," I tell him, and he winks at me. "Right back at you, Kitty Cat."

Alex is smiling up a storm at me. I don't know what I just did, but obviously, I've made them both happy, so... Yay, me!

"Okay." I gather the books they both have and my own. "I'm going to get in line to check out. Can one of you grab my Chai for me?"

"Got it!" Alex says.

We get into line when suddenly Candice's words of advice pop into my head. I thrust my books at William. "Ooh, I forgot a journal. I'll be right back." I toss my wallet at him.

"What's this for?"

"In case you get to the counter before I get back," I tell him as I walk away.

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