「Sparks of a New Friendship」

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4:55 AM/Dawn
You opened your eyes groggily to the sound of your alarm clock. Eventually turning it off, you couldn't move your lower body. Rubbing off the last bit of sleepiness from your eyes, you found Kokichi cuddling you; like a stuffed animal. You blushed a rose pink as you try to wake him up. "Pssst, Kokichi, wake up..." No answer. You tried to pull yourself away gently; but that only resulted Kokichi to cuddle you more. You can't help but feel so warm, with you and Kokichi in this position. You got your phone from the bedside table and checked the time. 5:01 AM...maybe I can sleep a little more... You put your phone back as Kokichi laid his head on your chest, letting out a small, cute yawn from his lips. "Man, you're cute..." You whispered quietly as you closed your eyes again. Within seconds, you fell back into a deep sleep. "I'm not cute..." Kokichi mumbled while keeping his eyes closed. You put a hand on his purple hair and started to stroke it gently. "Yes you are..." You replied as Kokichi cuddled you more. You and Kokichi then both fell into a deep sleep.

"Kokichi! Get up!" You yanked the blanket off him as he stretched his arms and letting out a yawn. You and Kaede were already awake and already were dressed. "But I don't want toooooo!" He whined, pouting. "Kokichi, we need to go to school!" He slowly sat up with a sleepy face. You had enough, so you decided to do something.
"Hey, Kokichi, you love Grape Panta, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I hid all of it."
"Unless you get up from my bed, I'll not tell you where I hid it!"
Since he was still sleepy, he didn't have time to point out your obvious lie as Kokichi quickly scrambled off the bed, grabbed his clothes and ran into the bathroom. You sat on your bed, playing a random song from your playlist. A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom, already in his clothes. He was frowning while you were struggling to keep your laughter in. "You were lying when you said you hid all of the Grape Panta." You finally lost it and started to laughing, eventually dying down as you were still chuckling."Come on, breakfast is ready downstairs, Kokichi." You stood up and walked towards the door, with Kokichi following. Downstairs, Kaede was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee. "Are you even allowed to drink that, Kaede...?" She looked at you with a 'Yes, I'm allowed' expression. "By the way, the food is at the counter." She pointed to the plates at the counter. You were about to tell Kokichi to eat when you turned to him; already ahead of you. You sighed and and sat near Kokichi. While eating your ramen, you could see Kokichi looking at you in the corner of your eye. Kokichi was lookig at you with his purple eyes with happiness. I wonder why he's looking at me like this... You thought to yourself.

Finishing your food, you and Kokichi washed the dishes while Kaede was cleaning the kitchen. After that, you walked to school together; with Kokichi and Kaede.

Finally reaching your classroom, you went to your seat as you started to look out the window, spacing out deeply. You snapped back to reality as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Shuichi with a look of worry.

"Oh, hey, Shuichi."
"How are you, (Y/N)? We've been worried sick of you..."
"I'm okay now. I just had a cough, but I'm feeling better now."
"Ah, that's good to know."

You gave Shuichi a reassuring smile, in a way of telling him 'I feel better now, don't worry' as he smiled back and walked back to his seat. You saw Kokichi glaring Shuichi with annoyance and... jealousy? Is he jealous? What is going on here? You asked inside your mind. Once Kokichi saw you looking at him with a confused look, he looked away, grabbed his purple notebook and pretended to write. You chuckled softly as the rest of the students walking in with the teacher.

"Class, you'll be having a project. You'll be making a music video. It won't be hard. All you have to do is download programs on your computer and edit. I'll explain. You'll be making two music videos; I'll let you decide what songs you'll be using. You'll be making for two different people. But, it's optional. You can just make the video about anything. Don't worry, you won't have to be stressed about it. Also, use Openshot for your drafts and Vegas Pro for the final results. The deadline will be from two months from now. That's all. Any questions?" As soon the teacher asked, you shot your hand up.

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