High School

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I woke up to Lily nudging me. "Come on, it's time." She said. I sighed and got up. I put on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie, my hat, and my black vans. "Remember, find Louis and bring him here." She said. I nodded. "Bye Clem." AJ said as he held his hands out. I picked him up and hugged him. "I love you kiddo." I said. "I love you too Clem." He said. I put him down and left the hotel room.

I walked down to the bus stop and there I saw the boy from last night. I walked over. "Hey, it's you." He said. "Yup it's me." I said. "So I never got your name last night." He smiled. "Oh, right. I'm Clementine." I said with a smile. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said with a smirk. I blushed a little. Why am I blushing? "Having a fruit for a name isn't pretty." I said with a slight chuckle. He smiled. "I'm Louis by the way." He said. My eyes widened. "Was it something I said?" He asked. "Oh uh no. It's just I had a uh uncle named Louis." I said. "Ahh nice. It's kinda a common name." He said.

He can't be the Louis I'm looking for can he? I mean he doesn't look like the son of a gang member.

We got on the bus and headed to the high school. He sat next to me. "So about last night....I've never told anyone about that." He said. "Yeah...same here." I said. "Well if you ever need to talk, let me know. I'm here for you." He said. I chuckled. "You barely know me." I said. "I wanna get to know you." He said. I chuckled in a sad way. "You don't want to get to know me Louis..." I sighed. "Why not?" He asked. "I...I'm a bad person." I said. "You don't seem like a bad person." He said. "Yeah well..." I sighed. "Look good people do bad shit too, trust me I'd know." He said. The bus stopped and we got off. He grabbed my wrist. Usually I'd punch the shit out of someone who touched me but I didn't. I don't know why. I turned my head and he turned me around. He pulled me into him. I felt my stomach fill up with butterflies. "I don't know much about you but I know you are a good person. I can see it in your soul. You actually talked to me and not a lot of people listen to my problems. You could have just walked away but you stayed." He said. My face went red and so did his. He moved my hair out of my face. "You have beautiful eyes." He said. I turned even more red. "Thanks...I uh I get it from my mom." I said. "They are gorgeous." He said softly. My heart started pounding. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I've never had....what do you call them? Feelings. For anyone before. I mean I don't have feelings for this guy but...I always hated boys for hitting on me.

"Hey Louis!" I heard a voice shout behind me. Louis backed away and I turned around. A boy with a blonde mullet looked at me. "Jeez Lou, you found yourself a nice one." He smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I punched him in the gut and he wheezed. "I ain't so nice anymore now am I?" I asked. He looked at Louis. "She's new around here." He said. "I'm Marlon. You can sure pack a punch." He said with a nervous smile. I sighed. "I'm sorry I'm just really jumpy after what happened to my parents.." I muttered. "No worries uh?" He said. "Clementine." I said as I stuck my hand out. He was hesitant at first but he grabbed my hand and shook it. "Come on, the group will love her." He said. "Come on Clem." Louis smiled. I followed the two boys to a bench full of students. We walked over. "Hey guys, this is Clementine. She's new here." Louis said. Everyone looked at me. "Hi, I'm Brody." A girl said as she stood up and held her hand out. I shook it. "Welcome to Colorado High." She smiled. "That's Vi, Minnie, Duck, Gabe, Mariana, Sophie, James, and Luke." She said as she pointed out each person. One boy in particular kept staring at me. Gabe. He's already on my nerves. "Wanna lose your teeth? Keep staring asshole." I snarled. Vi smiled at me. Everyone else put their hands up in surrender. I always try to make sure people know not to fuck with me. It's also my way of showing people that I'm insecure and to just leave me be. "Yeah, she's a uh....tough one." Louis smiled. I rolled my eyes. Vi got up and grabbed my arm. She pulled me to the side. "You are something else." She smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Well I'm usually the mean one in the group. You know, the one with issues that I don't wanna talks about. The one who has a fucked up past. The one who's been broken before." She said. That'll change. "Look, I've never met anyone who snaps at someone like that other than myself. I think we are gonna be good friends. And uh for whatever you've gone through, you can talk to me." She said.

Friends? What are friends? I've never been around long enough to have friends.

"How'd you know that I've gone through something?" I asked. "Well you look like you haven't been sleeping nor eating. You look like you've been through hell and back." She said. "You have no idea." I sighed. We walked back to the group of teens. The bell rang. I grabbed Louis' arm. He looked at me. "Can we um...can we talk?" I asked. "Of course." He smiled. I pulled him aside. I looked around to make sure we were alone. "Look I'm not actually enrolled in this school. I'm just here looking for a guy. His dad might know what happened to my parents." I said. His eyes widen. "What's your last name?" I asked. "I uh..." He said. I looked around and pulled my pocket knife out. I pushed him into the wall. I placed it against his neck. "I'm not fucking around Louis. I don't want to hurt you, I just want to find the guy who killed my parents. Please I need to know." I said. He sighed. "Anderson." He said. I brought the knife down and I put it away. "Come on." I said. "I have class." He said. I gave him my death glare. "I guess not." He sighed. We ditched school. I called Lilly.

"Did you find him?" She asked. "Yeah, he's with me right now, did you get that house you where talking about?" I asked. "Yeah, the address is 27756 21st st east." She said. "I'll be there soon." I said. "Be careful and keep your eyes open." She said. "I always do." I said. I hung up.

"What's going on?" Louis asked. "Just...stop talking." I said. "You're that girl aren't you." He said as his voice trembled. I turned around. "Louis." I said. He started to back away. "You killed those people....you kidnapped their son....why would you do that?" He asked as he placed his hand in his pocket. "Louis you don't understand." I said. He pulled his phone out. "I'm...I'm calling the cops. I'm sorry." He said. I pushed him, causing him to drop his phone. "You have no idea what's going on. I...I'm not a murderer. I swear. I didn't kill anyone." I said. "You killed them. You took their son. How is that not murder?" He asked. "That boy I took. That's my little brother. Those people, they were my parents. My parents were murdered Louis, okay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked with anger and sadness in my voice. "So you murdered your parents?" "No. I would never hurt them, they were all I had left." I said. "Then why was their blood on your hands? On your face?" He asked. "We can talk about this later? Please? It's hard for me to talk about." I said. He got up and grabbed his phone. I looked at him and he looked at me. "Do you trust me?" I asked. He placed his phone back in his pocket. "Then let's go." I said. I started walking and he followed.

This is such a bad idea but what else do I have to lose....

(What do y'all think about this story. If it flops then I'm not going continue it. Let me know and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ~Cameron)

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