*Ground Control

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Request: "I've been looking everywhere but I can't find a one-shot where it's with Wonho's Acrophobia so if you're still taking request can you do something with that concept."

Pairing: Wonho/ Reader

Genre: fluff

Words: 964

A/N: I'm sorry this is so short and I'm sorry if it's not what you were expecting but I wanted to just make this a simple one-shot. I've had this request written (unfinished) for a while now and I'm not gonna lie had difficulty finishing it. So hopefully it's okay.


"We're almost there." You called out as a lingering Wonho was falling behind.

"You said that an hour ago."

You laughed as he was out of breath. "Come on lazy, you go to the gym for crying out loud. You said you wanted to go hiking with me."

"I meant causally. I wasn't expecting to be hiking up a mountain." He leaned down grabbing his knees.

"Not that I'm agreeing with you but what do you think hiking is." You laughed.

"Torture apparently." He mumbled.

"I heard that." You were already turned around and on your way once again. "We are almost at the top."

"Top of what?" He asked alarmed and quickly followed you once again.

"It's a surprise." You looked and saw the end of the path approaching.

"(Y/N) seriously." Wonho felt panicked.

"Come on, quickly." You jogged wanting to get there already. "It's as beautiful as I remember." You looked out past the cliff. Your dad would take you on this path since you were a little kid and now was the time you shared your sacred spot with the one you loved.

"Isn't it beautiful?" You asked as soon as you felt Wonho's presence.

He came to your side and immediately retracted back in a panic. "What's wrong?" You asked as he was sitting on the ground.

"I didn't know this is where we were going." He was out of breath.

"I just wanted to take you to my fathers spot."

"Look I'm sorry (Y/N)......but if I knew......it would be.....um....here.....I wouldn't have come." He stumbled, clearly shaken.

"What are you.....oh....." The realization hit you. "You're afraid of heights."

"Why didn't you tell me?" You continued frustrated.

"Well in my defense, I didn't think we would be scaling mountains......and also this is important to you I didn't want to make you go alone. I was just hoping your spot was a park or something."

You kneeled down to him as a sympathetic smile spread across your face. "That's very sweet of you but you should of told me. I would of understood."

"It's not something I really want to admit, especially to my adventurous girlfriend."

"Who cares. A lot of people of afraid of different things, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not gonna stop us from going on adventures. There's a lot of fun things to do on the ground." You held his hand. "As long as we're together it's an adventure for me."

"But your fathers spot?"

"I've been here a million times, I wanted to show you doofus." You smiled.

"Okay, lets go back." You stood up, helping him up.

"I want to finish the hike."

"Wonho, I told you it's fine."

"I know but I want to, I'll need you to hold on to me." He took a deep breath and walked slowly to the cliff. You held onto him tightly like he wanted.

"The rest is this way." You guides him to the rest of the path that lead to the left.

"Just don't look down to the right. This path has plenty of room to walk like you wouldn't even notice."

He took more deep breaths as you held his hand tightly.

"At least this path is going down."

"Exactly, always look at the bright side."

You finally reached the end of the path and found the waterfall you remembered. Nothing has changed since you were kid.

"Thank god stairs." Wonho approached the next part of the path that would end your adventure.

"We used to jump off here as a kid." You were still gazing at the waterfall.

"You jumped off this cliff? You're insane."

"The water is deep, it was fine." You chuckled.

You took off your backpack and removed your shoes.

"What are you doing?" Wonho asked concerned as you just smirked in return and jumped off the cliff into the water.


"Woooo!!! That was so much fun!" You said as soon as you came back up from the water.

"You can't just do something like that, why if you got hurt?"

"I told you I used to do this all the time."

"You should join me." You flirted.

"Yeah. Sure." Wonho looked down uneasy.

"You can come down the safe way. I'm not forcing you to jump."

Wonho removed his backpack as well and began to remove his shirt. You were floating on your back expecting his to walk down when you felt pressure next to you followed by a huge splash.

You got up wiping the water off your face as Wonho rises from the surface. "Oh my god."

"Why did you jump; I told you, you didn't have to." You said alarmed.

"Please don't hide your phobia because me."

"I know, I just wanted to enjoy this one thing with you." He combed his fingers back through his hair.

You smiled swimming closer to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You immediately brought your lips to his.

"Okay I'll admit that was fun......but I'm never doing it again." He said as soon as you pulled away.

"You are a very complicated person Hoseok."

"Shall we go get something to eat?" You continued to ask.

"We shall."

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