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"I'm already stopping to drink", Jinyoung stated, looking away from his friend. Hash, his best friend, nodded before spending a look on Jinyoung "Good, thank y- PUT THAT GLASS AWAY". In one swift motion he literally pushed a glass of vodka out of his friend's hands, receiving nasty glares.

Jinyoung, sometimes randomly called Ash, had always been a guy who preferred getting drunk over chilling at home. While Hash was normally similar he only drank frequently.

Cold heatedly you walked out of your family's apartment, looking like a girl from one of those grunge aesthetics. Your style, your makeup, the way you behaved, everything was on point. Before you grabbed the door handle your dad touched your shoulder, stealing your attention "Seriously? You're looking like a deadass slut and you know that". In some way you were used to such comments from your own father, sad thing when thinking about. You scoffed "There's only one person who's allowed to call me a slut and that's my boyfriend during a make-out session". Without further thinking you exited the flat only hearing another sentence from him "Uhu, the one You're having a fight with at the moment?!". Wow, the last thing you had wanted was to get reminded.

Jinyoung and you had actually been a happy couple for around three months already but at a certain point you got into an argument. It wasn't as tiny as hoped, well, at last it was holding on for a week already. A week in which you avoided every contact with him.

While walking past some stores, markets and other buildings your phone suddenly rang. A decent shock ran through your spine as this sound resounded. Though, you had to accept the call "What, Hash". He was a good friend of yours and also of Ash. To he precise, you were more of a gang (a/n; every Ambition Boys Fan gets what I mean lol). There were You, Ash, Hash, Changmo, EK And Yami. Due to your and Ash's relationship the boys had to undergo several hardships just to keep everything going, sometimes you just felt sorry for them.

"Are you on your way? When will you arrive? Hurry up, okay", Hash greeted you, if that's an appropriate word to express it. Once more you sighed "Yes, Yes, Hash. I am. And I'm gonna be at the club in less than 10 minutes". Hash had invited you over to 'meet Changmo and him' according to him. What he hadn't told you was that Ash would be there as well. And because Hash said you should hurry up, you did.

Finally you entered this club, a place you had already known and low-key appreciated. Right after the entrance you could spot Changmo in the angle of your eye, immediately greeting him. His eyes wandered over to you "Heyyyyy, Y/n! Nice seeing you!". Nope, he wasn't drunk that was just his personality which managed to put a smile on your lips. As you were hugging for a short moment Hash already joined, also greeting you. When you let go due to breathing issues you snickered "Thanks a lot for inviting me". Each one's hand showed a gesture meaning it's not worth thanking for. No second later Hash suddenly looked to the couch "Just come to me whenever you want, I'm at the couch and supposed to be supervising someone". Left you surprised and confused af but okay.

After a short conversation you and Changmo decided to join Hash so you walked over to the sofa. But as you saw who was sitting next to him you immediately turned around, failing at the attempt to go. Changmo suddenly gripped your shirt, holding you back. Abruptly, he pulled you onto the sofa, refusing to let you go away.

Awkward silence was the result of everything. Until Ash noticed you were observing his drinking habit plus the few bottles on the floor. He loved getting drunk, that's true. But since he met you he almost fully stopped drinking what you were extremely proud at but seeing all those bottles made you desperate. "Y/n, something wrong?", Ash's first words in front of you after a week, ripping you out of imaginations about him being drunk. "Yeah, yeah, seeing all this is just.....unfamiliar", you explained shortly, making Jinyoung lean closer to you. He sighed deeply "Look, I'm sorry. Not only about this here but also our fight. We're partners, not prisoners". For a minute he stopped, finally adding "I mean, at least I hope we're still partners". Him doubting if you're still in love with him made your entire world break apart. Immediately you took his arm, pulling it closer to you "Of course we are. And I'm sorry too, just so you know". Both of you encountered smiles, quickly he closed the space between your lips. You had missed this feeling, he did too. But after all, fights are necessary in a worthy relationship, aren't they?

"Finally!", Hash clapped, celebrating this kiss way too hard. "Right, actually we gotta thank him for bringing us together without telling either of us two", Ash responded, his smile shouting how much he truly thanked him and how big his internal urge to kill him was. Though, you hugged Hash tightly as a sign of thankfulness. Ash limited this feeling to giving him that cliche bro fist, being worth something though.

On your way home Ash admitted again how much he had missed you, entangling your hand with his. Suddenly he stopped walking, turning you to face him "And whatever happens, remember that we are together. In an argument we shouldn't be fighting each other but the actual problem. I love you though and I missed you so much, I can't express it with words". He added a snicker "Well, I assume I have to express it with a kiss then". And so he again pressed his lips against yours, making you feel loved again. Because you were.


6th July - 20th July

YEAP wish me fun in Korea ^^ I'm damn excited already I can't even sleep


I did not check for grammar or autocorrect errors!


I'm working on another quite big project again, this time on another App called "Tap"! It's created by Wattpad as well and is basically Wattpad 2.0 just that it is based on writing stories in a chat style.

It's gonna be an Ash Island X Y/n ft Ambition Boys imagine and I'm really putting all my effort into it!

If you feel interested check out my account there @bxdgxls ! Currently there are no stories up but there gonna be some VERY SOON



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Just two short clips ^^

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Just two short clips ^^


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