We Saved The World

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Laney POV

A/N: I don't own Grojband sadly 😩

We saved the world , us just your run of the mill rocker band saving the world no biggie. But I really didn't care right know cuz Core had pushed me into a bone crushing hug. Not that I was complaining or anything but our faces were really close together , like kissing close. I could already feel redness of my face while my mind drifted to what happened last week. (A/N: spoiler do not read if you didn't finish watching grojband. Corey and Laney kissed while trying to catch the falling snowflakes , Corey enjoyed the kiss very much while Laney was being Laney)

Corey POV

Just a couple of minutes ago we just saved the world but I really didn't care as we played the most rocking song on an ASTEROID a freaking ASTEROID. After saying my final which I really should start writing down , I pulled my best friend , Lanes up close but then she like started turning red, being the good guy I am I get up real close to her face and try to figure out what's wrong. Huh, I think to myself the last time we were this close was when we , kissed. That kiss , returning my thoughts to that day , I started to feel weird , any time when I look at Lanes , my mind goes back to that day where lips met and I there was something about Lanes that my my heart beat faster like I was on the most rocking Roller-coaster ever! I just love being around her , wait did I just say that? Those words seem to have come out all in there own , man what's wrong with me? " Core , Core , hey dude are you alright ?" Lanes said with worry. "Oh yah I'm totally fine , I was just um thinking of some lyrics for our next gig." I lied. " Core we just saved the world , you can thinking about lyrics later , right now let's just find Kin and Kon so we can celebrate with an all night movie marathon." Lanes spoke. " Great idea Lanes" I said letting go of her , " Yeah let's go find them." So we started walking out into the crowd until we meet up with the twins.But I want the same after that , I wish me and Lanes had some alone time , UGH what is wrong with me right know! First I can't help but be around her and second my heart gets faster when she looks at me with those wicked green eyes , what is going on with me right know !!! Listen Corey , she is your best friend that's all, nothing changed. So what if we kissed , it was a friendly , best friend kiss for New Years right? Or maybe it's the saving the world jitters or I'm just hungry , yah that's it hungry , boy I must be starving. " Come on Core let's go already ." Kin yelled , " Yah I wanna get my zombie on tonight ." Kon yelled too. " Yah , let's go get our movie on ! sleepover at my place. I said running after them.

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