High School, the Crusher of Teenage Dreams ( and possibly relationships ?!) 2

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Laney POV
After dealing with Carrie irrelevant self, Core finally met up Kin and Kon ( after finding a make out spot). Since Core and I became a couple, we haven't had time to really hangout will Kin and Kon outside of practices and school. But me and Core made promised ourselves that we would let our relationship get in the way of what's important- music and friendship. Don't get me wrong, our relationship is just as equally important but I would never forgive myself if the relationship broke the band apart. As much as a love- I MEAN LIKE-LIKE HIM, HAHA WHO SAID LOVE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT-who I'm I kidding, I'm totally in love with him, but I know music means whole lot more to him then me. I try not to have these thoughts but they just happen and put me down for awhile. Anyways I'm getting off track, we're in class right now and it's the one class I don't have with Core. I have to wait a whole hour until lunch to see him. At least I have Kin here to keep him company and possibly keep me from going insane.

Corey POV
Man having class without Lanes totally sucks ass. Sure I have only to wait one more hour to see her ,but she just has that effect on me. She's my inspiration, and my everything and she's the one who keeps me from going insane when it involves gigs." Hey your name is Corey right?" My thoughts are suddenly interrupted." That's me, Corey Riffin and you are ?"." Rowan Anderson, pleased to met you. Now that I have you attention, you're Band, Grojband is having a battle of the bands against the Newmans right?" Rowan replies." Yah, we are-" I'm interrupted again." That's great! I always have a party, to kick off the new school year, so you guys will be playing at my party." Rowan says excitedly." Sweet! That's awesome, but you better be prepared cuz Grojband will bring the house down!" I answer." Good, then that means I'll be sure to watch you closely." Rowan replied with a flirty smile." So come to my locker before lunch, so I can give you all the deets!" She adds." Cool, I'm looking forward to it." I reply with as she walks back to her desk." Dude what the heck was that?!" Kon cuts in." Bro that was Rowan Anderson, she throwing a sick party and she's letting us the battle at their place m, isn't that sweet!" I reply with excitement." 2 things- DUDE THATS TOTALLY AWESOME and didn't you realize she was flirting with you!" Kon says." I know rig- woah, woah, dude she was not flirting with me! She was just trying to nail the gig ya know." I cut back." Say what you want dude, but she was totally flirting with you. Anyways come on we got to get to lunch remember?" Kon replied." Go on without me, I'll meet up with ya latter." I answer." Alright see ya latter dude." Kon says as he leaves. Now to find this Rowan chick.

Laney POV
" Finally!" I sigh, "I don't know how long I could have survived without food!"
" Come Laney, we all know that this so called 'food' is Corey." Kin replies." Shut up before I staple those lips and rip your arms off your back." I say while holding off the urge to blush." Gladly." Kin squeaks." Hey Laney, sup Kin." Kin greets us." Hey." we both reply. That's strange, Core should be at my side holding my hand or surprising me with a kiss." Hey Kon." I ask, " where's Core"." Oh um, he said that he would meet up with us latter- he said it's really important. Important huh? Probably has to do with the gig coming up.
The three of us are making our way up to lunch, but in the crowd I can see Core's orange beanie peaking up." Hey guys I see Core right over there, we'll meet up with you guys in just a second." I call to them." Alright but hurry up Laney! I can feel the lunch lines getting longer." Kon replies. He's right, I better up or we'll be in that line forever.
I'm pushing my way through the crowd and finally I get to him but my tracks stop cold as I see Core, but he's with another girl and that said girl is rubbing his arm up and down. But what bothers me the most is what they say," So here's my number, I really hope to see you soon Corey." She says." Oh trust me we'll be there." Core replies back. I can't believe it, what's Core doing with that girl and why is he getting her number!

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