Chapter 3

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I've been here for like 7 days and now he's kicking me out.

"Can I stay? I don't have a place to stay" I said whilst pouting.

I don't really wanna go. I'll never find a place this big and fancy. I'll never have a housemate that is a God again :(

"How about this, you'll give me money or you'll build me a house then I'll leave? huh? nice idea,right?" I smiled to him

"No, I don't have money and I'm not the God of craftsmen, dummy!" he said


Not so long 'till Minerva appeared again. I read a book about her. She's the God of Time and also the God of matchmaking. They said she knows your past and future.

"Hi again" she smiled at me.

I raised my right hand to say hi then smiled.

"Brother, You cannot kick her out if she's still your retinue." she said calmly

I love her voice, it's soothing.

"Oh yeah, about that, I don't care. I wouldn't bother kissing that filthy human's mouth." he said.

I burst out laughing. It's funny because he still doesn't know my name and proceeded to call me "human".

"Anyways, you cannot kick her out here. She's your retinue and you need her." she said.

"I was told by Athena to tell you that there will be a banquet in Fiore. You should bring her with you." she added.

If I know, Fiore is the place where gods are staying. It's located in the clouds.

"I'll go but without bringing her with me." he pointed at me.


"Okay." she smiled.

She whispered to me.

"Then I'll be the one to accompany you, dear." she said then winked.

Vernon, the devil, went first to Fiore.

"You said last time you'll explain something to me?" I asked Minerva.

"Well, I cannot actually tell you the whole thing because it might not happen but you are the one who's gonna save Vernon." she said.

"I cannot save a God. I'm just a mere human... well, a nymph rather" I said.

"Oh honey, dont overthink. When the time comes, you'll understand." she said then pat my head.

After that she whistles.

Why is she whistling?

A unicorn from the clouds appeared.

"Get in." she said.

I was in awe.

"What? you've never seen a unicorn before?" She said sarcastically

"Oh, yes I was just stunned. It's so beautiful." I said

"We use it as a transportation." she smiled.

We're on our way to Fiore. I'm excited to see the Seven Holy Gods. I bet this is gonna be the best feast I've been to.

"Can you tell me more about the Holy Gods? Like what's their power? I only know their names and ranking." I asked Minerva.

" Oh. Well,

Zero is the most powerful Holy God. He's the leader of gods, the God of all. One of his useful power is purify and the Sea is his domain cause he's also the God of Sea.

God Jihyo is the God of Love, God of Married, and the God of Beauty. Love that can make anyone even a god vulnerable.

While Vernon, The strongest God. God of Fire, God of Strength and soon became the God of all Fallen gods. One of his useful power is Fire.

Athena, My twin, is the God of Wisdom and the God of War. She likes to battle and she's also the patron of her own city, Athens.

Maeve or Maëva, The God of Magic and the God of Mischief. She left Fiore hundreds of years ago and disguised herself as a human. She might be living as a human 'till now.

Vulcan, The God of Craftsmen and also the God of Air. He builds us castle and stuff.

and me, the God of Time and Matchmaking.
Just so you know, I can turn back the time but can't meddle with it. And yes, the humors are true. Because of my power, I know your past and future."

Woah. Never thought she would explain everything.

"How about Vernon? How did he became a fallen God?" I blinked.

"Hundreds of years ago, Vernon was so attached to the humans that he even grant them wishes." she said.

I never knew the devil was once an angel.

"But then he was trick by a lad to eat a human flesh. Our number one rule was to never kill or consume a human." she added.

"Then?" I asked

"Although it's unfair, He was sent to the human world but he still remain as a Holy God so he can attend feast and all. He was told by Zero to never set foot to the Holy Land which anger Vernon because he loved a human long ago and that human died."

"Vernon loved a human? I thought it was impossible." I asked then laugh.

"He love that human more than he love anything else from this world... but that human died and her soul went to the Holy Land which he, can never follow." she turned serious.

"So Holy Land was real after all." I said.

"Yes, and we're near at Fiore." she said then pointed at a castle.

I was sad because of what Vernon been through. It must be rough for him. Love can really make anyone vulnerable. I tried to look at our surroundings. It's full of clouds!
Then at the top, a castle that is made by gold shines.

"That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I pointed at the castle.

The pony stopped. I got off and was surprised that I can walk through the clouds. Well, I just remember that I am a nymph.

"Follow my lead." she said.

I followed her. Everything here is so beautiful! Everyone at the Palace stopped when they saw Minerva.

"Oh Minerva! Our queen Minerva, All hail the God that holds the flow of time. All hail her Majesty!" everyone chanted.

I remember that she's one of the Great Holy Gods.Flowers and roses are threw upon us. They vowed to her as she walks. As soon as we reach the dining room, Vernon approaches us. Our eyes met. Finally, he looks like a God because of his outfit.

"I told you don't bring her here!" he looked at me.

"wow, nice outfit, I never thought you're a god till now." I teased him.

"Shut up or I'll burn you into pieces." He looks annoyed.

I remembered his sufferings. I looked at him. He seems miserable.

"Stop! both of you." she yelled at us.

"Vernon, I need you to do something for me after the banquet." she added.

He just nodded and then proceeded to the banquet.

Whew. That was a blast. I saw the other Holy Gods but never got a chance to talk to them.Again, that was the most delicious dish I've ever tasted.

"I'll tell my retinue to get you home safely. Vernon and I still need to do something here." she patted my head.

"Okay, see you." I said.

"see you after 3 months..." she whispered but I still heard it then she disappeared.

I wonder does that means...

The retinue of the devil Where stories live. Discover now