Optimus xAnnabellex Ironhide ~ Kink part 1

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annabelle laid there on her bed but groaned, sitting up "I can't sleep, why can't I just go do my chores, it'll probably tire me out."

"Because, your father gave me orders to put you to bed. Now sleep." Ironhide muttered

She laid there staring at the ceiling for about 30 minutes as her guardian watched over her. She got up and sighed "'Hide, come on. You know how much I hate chores and I'd rather be doing those than this. I'm not tired!"

"I don't care. Lennox told me to get you home and make you go to bed."

She sat up and looked at him before looking at the door. She was faster than Ironhide. She smirked a little before leaping off her bed and running down the hall and downstairs as Ironhide was quick to persue. She loved a good chase. She laughed a little as Ironhide slightly growled. She snatched her jacket from the couch as she ran through the livingroom and into the kitchen before bounding out the back door but gasped a little when she was met by Mirage. He looked over and slightly flinched as she caught him offguard but quickly ran back in the house with him right behind as she took the other hall to get to the front door as Mirage was right on her tail, she yanked the front door open and ran out and straight smack into someone as she cartoon-style bounced back off the person before falling after missing her footing on the stairs as a firm and strong hand grabbed her arm as she was about an inch away from smacking the porch as she slowly looked up to see Optimus as he looked calm as he helped her stand on her own

Mirage stood in the doorway with Ironhide as he slightly panted, she slightly smirked to see his tired form. He wasn't meant for running. But she yelped when Optimus picked the teenager up as threw her over his shoulder

"Optimus! Put me down!" she hit his back but groaned when he walked back inside with her securely over his shoulder. She frowned a few moments as he walked upstairs as she dangled there but watched his butt as he took each step up. It looked like he had a pretty firm one. She loved messing with the 'bots, especially when she made them uncomfortable, she teased and played with them all the time. An idea popped in her head as he reached the top of the stairs, she slightly smirked "What gives, Prime? I thought you were on my side??"

He didn't say anything as she reeled her hand back and sent a firm slap on his rear as he visibly flinched at the sudden action "Bad." she said but he continued on to her room as Ironhide was behind them, he looked at her questioningly. He walked in and set her down on the bed as she laid there and looked at Optimus' expression, he was a little confused yet held that awkward look as Annabelle chuckled but stopped when Ironhide stood there "Lay down. Go to sleep." he pointed, visibly irritated. He was pretty mad now. He sat down in the chair he pulled up

She sunk down in the bed with a frown "I said I wasn't tired."

"Oh well. Sleep." he grumbled

She sat there but looked over at him as he sat there, Optimus sat in the chair by her desk, near her door

"If I have to chase you again I will personally pin you down until you fall asleep." he growled seeing her eye the door

She rolled her eyes before looking up staring at the ceiling for about 30 minutes before sighing as she sat up, climbing off the bed, Ironhide stood and glared

"Calm down, 'hide im going to the bathroom." she frowned before walking out as Optimus listened to the sounds the house made, if she tried to make another attempt, the stairs would creak and Mirage was still on guard.

He heard the soft thumping footsteps fade down the hall and a door close as it was quiet for a few minutes until he heard water running a moment before turning off and a door opening as soft foot thumps approached, she walked back in and looked at Ironhide as he watched her, she climbed up on her bed and laid there covering up under blankets before turning over, away from Ironhide and Optimus. Slowly, she fell asleep.

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