We Finally Meet

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Hey it's me Y/N and welcome back to my channel today I have a special guest. Please Welcome Mr. Colby Brock.

Y/N:Thanks for doing this

C: Sure no problem I've wanted to make a video with you for a while.

Y/N: Same.. ok..so

Y/N: How are you ( laughing)

Colby: I'm good how are you (laughing)

Y/N: Better now that your here.

C: I'm glad that I can help. (smirking)

After staring at each for a awkward minute I snap to.

Y/N ok so today were doing a make up challenge while taking some shots.

So I do you and then you do me.

C: Maybe later (laughs)

Y/N: Wow ok I just realized what I just said(laughing) anyways let's get started. Now I know you like whiskey so I got you a bottle of Jack Daniels and some coke. Not sponsored but wish I was.

Ok so lets do this.

----------------------Time Skip--------


Y/N :I think we look pretty great right?

C:(laughing) sure

Y/N:(laughing) well thank you Colby for doing this go check out the video we filmed on Colbys channel it will be below in the description. Now if this gets to 300,000 likes we'll do another video together. How does that sound?

C: I'll do it for 50 likes.(laughing)

Y/N.(laughing)ok make sure to like this video and I'll see you on the next one love ya (throwing a kiss).


Were a little drunk and just laughing,talking having a great time.

Y/N: Well that was so much fun.

C: that was fun I really had a blast.

Y/N: I'm starving are you hungry?

C:yeah I could eat.

Y/N:lets do postmates how about some sushi.

C:yum sounds good.


POV: So I order food and Colby started looking around. I really have a good buzz on and the edibles are kicking in. I'm really freaking out at how good Colby looks. Omg he's so fucking cute I can't stand it.

C: I really like your place its homey so this is what 12 million subs gets you.

Y/N:well no not really.its kinda a long story maybe I'll tell you someday.

So how about a tour while we wait for the food.

C:sure (looking at my pictures on the shelf) is this your family?

Y/N: yeah that's my family

(pointing at the pictures) this is my grandparents they're no longer with us.

C: oh I'm sorry (grabing my hand) were you close?

Y/N: oh yes really close they left me everything they had in thier will.(door bell rings)

POV: I really didn't want to explain all that right now thank god I was saved by the door bell finally the food arrived.

Colby's POV

Wow I really was having a great time with Y/N she's really down to earth has a great sense of humor and really sweet.

I would find myself staring at her lips I just wanted to kiss her so bad. She caught me a couple of times I had to play it off. She lived by off the beach and it was a beautiful full moon Y/N asked if I wanted to go for a walk sadly I had my Hawaii trip coming up and had to go home a pack. I would really like to take her out on a date but not sure if she would want to.


OMG Colby keeps staring at me do I have some food on my face or something. WOW he really makes me nervous I haven't felt like this I don't think ever. I really do like him but I don't think the feeling is mutual. I don't just want to have a one night stand I want a relationship. No he says he has to leave I guess will never know. Ok I can feel a blanket of sadness come over me. Crap don't let him notice it play it cool.

C: Sorry I got to take off. I'm leaving for Hawaii tomorrow night and still have to pack.

Y/N: Totally of course I understand.I mean you have to make sure all your stuff is packed and ready to go.

C: True

Y/N: So how long will you be gone for?

C: About a week

Y/N: ok well remember if I get those likes we have to do it again.

C: Absolutely

Y/N: ok well have a safe drive home and thanks again.(reaching for a hug)

C: your welcome ( hugging back kiss on check)

Y/N: Have a safe trip take care

C: Good Night Y/N (we hugged again this time I kiss her)


Y/N: whoa WOW OMG ( kissed him back)

C: (huge smile) I'll call you when I get back

Y/N: can't wait

C:bye ( smiling)

Y/N: good night Colby ( huge smile)

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