Chapter 6

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Kaitlyn's POV

A figure walks in my room and closes the door. Should I be scared? What do I do? I will just act like I'm asleep.

The figure sits on my bed and touches my face.

"My poor baby," The female voice says. Who is this lady?

"I'm sorry I let him hurt you," The female voice spoke softly.

Oh my Cornflakes it's my MOM.

"Mom," I say sitting up. I turn on my light and there she is mom or Melinda.

"Hello dear," she says brushing hair away from my face.

"Can the beating wait until the morning, I'm already bruising" I muttered.

"Sweetheart I'm not going to beat you, you're my baby girl," she say scooting closer to me.

Wait did she just call me Sweetheart and baby girl? Why is she being so nice?

"W-What did you just call me," I stutter trying to comprehend things.

"Sweetheart and baby girl why is that so bad," she asks.

"It's just you have never called me those things before," I mumble looking down.

"Aww Sweetie I call you that more than you know," she replies.

"Why are you being so nice to me? Is this a new tactic you two are trying," I ask getting frustrated.

"Look there's a lot of explaining I need to do, but I can't do it now," she says handing me an ice pack.

"What's this for, and what aren't you telling me," I ask now curious of what is happening.

"That is for your bruises," she says pointing to the ice pack, "And I will do all of my explaining tomorrow."

"Why can't you do it now," I say putting the ice pack on my stomach.

AHHHH!!! HOLY Crap that ice pack is cold, but I should've saw it coming it's not called an ice pack, because it's hot. DUHH

"Its getting late and you have school tomorrow," she say standing up and patting my head, "I'm off work tomorrow so after school we'll talk while your dad's at work". 

"O-Okay," I say. I am so confused.

She tucks me in and turns off my light. Ok who is this lady and what has she done to my abusive mother?

She walks towards the door and turns around.

"Goodnight Kaitlyn, remember I Love You," She says walking out and closing the door behind her.

This weird feeling takes over my body. It's the feeling of warmth and comfort. I have never experienced it in this house ever.

Now to the important matter at hand, my mother. She said she Loves me.

My mother Loves me, but can I trust her?

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