Chapter 1:Joke?

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Sleep was upon others, mostly the ones that sleep in the darkness rather than to embrace what the moon shows and only that. The wind howled softly beating against houses that wasn't so lucky. Air cool enough to make someone blow out fog just by breathing. The raven was out and about once more. Not being on his leash for his master was asleep. Sebastian Michaelis. The demon many hated and envied. Mostly by a specific spider known as Claude Faustus. Sebastian knew that the spider was following him in the dark but he payed no mind; for he was only out to by something from a store. Even if it was midnight or a least near those witches around had to sell what they had to survive. In such a era as then Witches and demons prowled around. Tainting and arousing the souls near. But the one Sebastian had was more pure than any other. Ciel Phantomhive also known as The Queens Guard Dog. Solving mysteries in the Underworld. Catching criminals and outliving death.

Unlike that Spider, Claude. His master was the Queens Spider. Hiding away the faults and such of the country. Alois Trancy his master. One boy with a smile and laugh to cover up his sadness and hurt. He was a bit insane almost. His soul with a fiery passion; the only reason why Claude wanted his soul. His soul wasn't just left to him but also his maid. Not much know why the Thompson brothers were there. It was simply a mystery. 

Sebastian walked through the alleys, hearing the crawls of spiders and other small animals that lingered in the shadows. Soft footsteps behind him; he grew somewhat annoyed with wonder of why that spider followed him. He quickly turned and appeared by the other grabbing him and shoving him against a near by wall causing a thud to make its way to others ears. A soft smirk made its way onto Sebastian’s lips as he looked up at the other demon. Golden honey met dark crimson red.

“What are you doing following me?”Said the soft voice of Sebastian.  His hands grabbed onto Claude’s butler uniform jacket, making sure he wouldn't get away without saying why. The expression and emotionless spider stared down at the other male.

“Following? What has made you think such a thing?”

Sebastian tilted his head hearing this.”Well, hearing that you have followed me for more than two blocks that says something about this situation so you better tell me spider ,because I don't have all night.” With a raised hand, Claude pushed up his spectacles delicately his eyes never leaving Sebastian’s.

“Believe what you must but.. I will only admit that I was out on a stroll just as you are. Or was you out buying things with the worthless money that these humans use just to get something to ease the crave?”The hand of the spider went to the ravens coat pocket to pat a jar in it. Sebastian narrowed his eyes a bit but quickly covered it with a smile.

“What are you talking about? This is for bocchan.”The lie slipped easily from his perfect lips. Claude with this opportunity took it and shoved Sebastian back only to grab him by his jacket and push him against the wall beside where he was pinned. The taller demon towered over Sebastian, his golden eyes flashed of the demon red glow they had.

“Why must you lie to me? I always know.”He said simply his hands moving down to grasp those hips of the raven and pull him close. Sebastian’s eyes widened at the gesture, bringing his hands onto the broad shoulders of Claude.

“I do what is best to survive even you lie as well.”Sebastian added onto the comment. He wasn't sure of why the other was holding him like this but he hadn't been touched in such a way for quite sometime. It surprised and lit a flame of the candle that had been burnt out long ago. 

“Yes… You crow haven’t you noticed that we always seem to get one way or another together. I must have to tell you I believe we are meant to be.”Those words struck and hit Sebastian like he had been sent back to the demon realm to be burned instead of saved. His thoughts scrambled trying to process of what he was saying. He had heard of demons in love, but of the same gender? Only that would happen every so often it was even rare.

“I-…Claude…”He wasn't sure of what to say, Claude’s eyes scanning over the other who he claimed as his mate. After a second he let out a chuckle, pushing at Claude’s shoulder even though the other male didn't move away.

“I didn't know you had such a funny side. Almost got me there; but even I know.”Sebastian thought it was all a joke. What the other said wasn't true.

“You think this is a joke? I will show it its not.”

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