VIP Membership (Valerie)

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Spooky High School...what a wild ride; between classes, intense dodgeball matches and the crushing social pressures that is the three weeks before Monster Prom, it all seems impossible to deal at times. One weekend before Prom you were sitting in your favorite Chinese restaurant, head in your hands as you weighed the possibilities.  The fated day was fast approaching when you would bare your soul  to one of your classmates, your heart torn between a few choices.  Would they accept your offer or toss it in the mud and leave you a laughingstock? The waitress drops off your check and complimentary fortune cookie as you pull out your wallet.  She takes the cash while you crack open the cookie and read the message inside.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

Picking up your head, you let the message sink in for a few more minutes. You feel a hand on your shoulder, turning to see the little old Chinese Vampire lady who owns the restaurant standing next to you, her warm smile and caring eyes remind you of your own grandma as she pats your shoulder before slowly hopping away.

Monster Prom finally arrives, and after careful go by yourself. It seemed like a weird choice at first but it turned out to be the best choice. You focused on acing the end-of-term assignments and when Prom came, you could focus on just having a good time. You, Scott and Polly snuck in a few pranks thanks to your shadows, and about halfway through the night you got caught in the middle of a dance-off between Amira, Damien, and the Wolfpack for some reason. Eventually, the insanity started to die down and you found yourself seated around a large table with your friends talking about plans now that the term was over.  Polly mentioned how her uncle loaned his car to her for the summer and she and Scott were already talking about taking a road-trip. A few others were looking over some pamphlets that were left on the table, Vicky intently looking over the one for Spooky Summer Camp.  Both of them sounded like nice ideas but personally, you wanted to avoid the summer heat. You were thinking maybe a stay-cation at one of the hotels by the water park when one of the other pamphlets caught your eye.

-A few weeks later-

You grabbed your suitcase off the baggage claim conveyor belt and stepped outside, the cold mountain air whipping across your face, a welcome change in scenery as you saw your shuttle to the lodge coming down the road. Leaving the airport, the small town of Abominable Acres quickly came into view. According to the pamphlet from prom it was a quiet little ski village nestled in the mountains and is well-known as a training ground for Monster X-Games athletes. All that attention led to a few large ski resorts being built nearby, but the town itself maintains its cozy atmosphere since the town won the legal battle preventing the resorts from being built directly in the town while both parties benefit from the increased traffic the lodges bring.

Driving down the main street, you saw little shops, a large outdoor skating rink, a rather fancy-looking hot spring as well as several abandoned mine shafts, spelunking tours apparently available to sign up for at the hotel when you happened to notice a large golden chariot burst out of a river as you cross over it, a team of dolphins pulling it like a dog sled as it went out of view.

"Miranda's here?" You mumbled to yourself as the Winter Wolf Lodge came into view up the road.

Playing off the classic log cabin design, the five-story hotel boasted spacious accommodations, easy access to town via complimentary shuttles and meals fit for a lumberjack trying to recover from a stint on the Matryoshka Diet. One of the more expensive hotels in the area, but thanks to your parents chipping in, and you not needing to burn cash trying to woo someone for Prom, you were set up for what should be a solid three weeks of good times in the mountains.

The shuttle slowly came to a stop, as you and a few other people got off. Almost immediately, the hotel staff came to greet their new arrivals and you soon found yourself flanked by two large yetis, arms like Scott's with smiles just as big and friendly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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