08. the surprise

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Adeline wasn't used to unplanned things. She didn't like the feeling of not knowing what was going to happen because as much as she hated to admit it, she liked to be in control. That's why it truly confused her whenever she happily obliged to Brandon showing up, unannounced, at her apartment and asking her to get ready for a 'surprise'.


Brandon nervously shifted his weight from one foot to another, avoiding eye contact with Adeline's roommate, as the purple haired girl stared at him from the couch.

"what's the surprise?"
she finally spoke up causing Brandon's head to snap in her direction. The question was innocent but her tone seemed unwelcoming and hostile.

Brandon looked at Adeline's door for a few seconds, making sure she wasn't listening. He finally decided she wasn't as he heard her faintly singing causing the corners of his lips to tug upwards.

"I'm taking her to go behind the scenes of... something i'm working on."
He didn't want to give away too much of his surprise because he didn't want her to spoil it for Adeline in any way.

Her roommate gave a nod and mumbled something he couldn't quite make out but he ignored her since Adeline made her self known as she entered the living room.

"how do I look"
she said while dramatically posing with a wide smile across her face

Brandon didn't realize he was staring until Adeline shifted uncomfortably and pulled up her top a little.

"You look go- beautiful"

And it wasn't a lie. Even in a basic white top and shorts, Adeline still looked stunning. He didn't understand why he had an odd feeling in his stomach but he didn't question it. Instead
he smiled which Adeline automatically returned before walking forward and hooking arms with him, mumbling a 'bye tess' as they exited the small apartment.


Brandon was nervous, he didn't know whether or not Addy liked surprises. Especially a surprise that involved meeting all his friends. She already knew Edwin so that wouldn't be a big deal but he didn't know if she really wanted to meet his friends and work crew all in the same day. He thought about just turning around and going to a random store and doing dumb shit with her, but before he could even ponder that idea, they had already arrived at the set.

"Can I remove my hands now?"
her soft voice caused him to ignore his negative thoughts and smile at her, even if she couldn't see him.

"yea, yea we're here."

she excitedly removed her hands and looked around, obviously confused.

Brandon cleared his throat and thought of how to explain why he brought her here, out of all places

"Well you cant see it right now but the floor above us is actually a set..a set for our music video"
Brandon paused and waited for her reaction and once she didn't reply for a few seconds he started slightly panicking

"and I thought you would like seeing behind the scenes? I-I honestly don't know why I thought that.. I can take you home if you want."
he paused again before instantly muttering apologies and starting the car again

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