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Lucy's POV

They wouldn't let me see where their base was, so they blindfolded me until we were inside. When we got there I saw a lively bar. People were drinking, laughing, talking with their friends. We'll, until they saw Gray heaving Natsu. All eyes were on us, especially me. I was bloodied after all, and a new face in the bar. I then see a white haired girl run up to us, breaking the silence. She takes Gray's place and carries Natsu. I follow behind as the rest stay back, when a hand grabs my arm.

 "And where do you think your going?" 

I don't want to look around and see the person who captured my arm, so I just thrash around; trying to be released. The person sees this and holds my arm tighter. I can see everyone looking at me, but I didn't care, I had to be with him and make sure he was okay. "That's enough, Gajeel. Let her be." Gray says. Suddenly, the hand released me and I found myself running in the direction I saw the lady take Natsu.

She takes him to this infirmary, where an old lady and a young girl quickly take him to the bed. "What happened?" The old lady asks, while the young lady sets his bed up and begins to care for him. "I don't know, Gray and the rest just brought him here. They also brought this girl..." The white haired lady nods to me. "We'll take it from here, you just can't be in here. Now shoo." And with that, we were both outside. 

"Come on, let's get you washed up." The lady smiles at me. I look up. "Y-your not gonna ask me anything? Or imprison me?" I stutter, afraid of my current situation. "If you really were going to kill me, you would've done it when you were walking behind me." She smiles and I blush a bit, not used to kindness from anyone else but Natsu. "Now come on, you don't want the blood to stain your clothes do you?" 


"Call me if you need anything, there's a fresh set of clothes on the towel rack." The lady says. "Thank you. Oh, I didn't catch your name?" I ask. She smiles. "It's Mira, Mira Dreyar."

I soak in the soap suds as I try to clear my mind. A lot has happened in the last few hours; I found out that Natsu lead the strongest Mafia in the world, my father sent another mafia to look for me, that Natsu was trying to protect me, it was a lot to take in. I didn't even know if Natsu was okay or not, and that scared me. I hugged my knees against my chest. 

I hope everything will be okay.


I dried myself and put on the fresh clothes. It was a black skirt with an off shoulder black shirt. It also came with fishnets and combat boots. I put it on and stepped out. "Not bad..." Mira complemented me. "Maybe I should become a stylist some day.." Mira strikes a pose and I giggle. "Are you ready? They said we could see Natsu now..." "Yea, I'm ready." Mira smiles and leads me to his room. 

The sight of Natsu plugged into machines and barely hanging on makes my heart shatter. "I'm only letting you in here for awhile, we're not quite finished yet.." The old lady snaps. "Porlyusica! Don't be so mean!" the little girl scolds the older lady. "Sorry, Porlyusica is normally like that. I'm Wendy, and you are?" She asks me. I look down shyly, trying to avoid the question. 

"I see, well Natsu isn't in the best shape, but he's alive. It seems like he'll be able to recover, but we're not sure though..." Wendy explains. "That's good" I murmur. "We still need to do some things, so go with Mira, she could get you something at the bar, sound good?" Wendy smiles. I nod and head with Mira. Maybe this wont be bad...


I walked out with Mira. Almost immediately I got cat calls from the other guys, but I ignored them. Besides, I could get back at them later. "We're a little low on supplies right now, but I could see what we have?" Mira asks me. "It's fine..." I wave off. "But actually, do you have any milkshakes?" I ask. Mira nods. "I'll go fix you one."


The young girl stepped up, letting the light momentarily blind her vison as she reached the roof. When her vision cleared she saw a boy a few months older than her. "What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" The girl fumes. She walks closer to him and sees that he has a milkshake in his right hand. "Did you skip just to get food?!" The girl shrieks.The boy turns his head for a second and chuckles. "And why do you care? Last I checked, your a grade below me."

The girl rolled her eyes. "That still doesn't give you an excuse for skipping! Your supposed to be studying! In class! Doing something productive! Not sitting down as if you have no care in the world!" The girl complains. The boy turns around completely. He stares at the strange girl. "Why aren't you in class?"  He narrows his eyes at me. "I'll have you know I'm graduating this year too, and even better I've already completed most courses of study. This means I have many free periods to myself." The young girl smirks proudly before continuing. "I normally spend them here, but you're here." The girl snarls. 

The boy studies her before releasing his hands in the air, as if he had given in. "My bad. I'll head inside then." 

"Now wait a minute, I-"

The two then crash into each other, causing the milkshake to spill everywhere. The girl gasps as she looks down at her newly ruined clothing. She was just about to give the guy a piece of her mind when she heard laughter. "Man, that was a disaster. I should have seen that coming."  He chuckles. He then takes his index and scoops some of the drink up. He brings it up to his mouth and licks it. "Mmm, its still good. You should try some."  The girl stared at his childish actions before reluctantly tasting the liquid. 

When it hit her mouth at first, she thought just tasted milk. But then a sweet, cold, refreshing taste took over and melted in her mouth. She was in awe. She had never tasted anything so refreshing, so sweet, so delicious! The whole experience was just so amazing. She wondered, 'was this really what a milkshake tasted like?' 

The boy looked at the young girls face expression. "Good, right?" The young girl nodded quickly. She enjoyed it a lot. Why hadn't her father let her have this heaven?

"See? Some things are worth the trouble." The boy grinned. The young girl couldn't help but blush. No one had ever treated her this way. Not even her best friend. "Yea, I guess your right.... partially." The girl huffed, not ready to admit that her logical thinking was wrong. The boy chuckled. "Welp, guess I have to get another one..." the boy threw away the container that held the rest of the perfectly good milkshake. "Are you serious?! That was still good!" the young girl exclaims. The boy laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "You are so childish..." the girl trails off. 

"I'm Natsu, you?"



I sighed as I clutched my new milkshake.

Please be okay, Natsu.

I need you. 

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