Chapter 1

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"Shit, shit, SHIT!" Perrie yells as scolding hot coffee misses the travel mug and splashes onto her hand as she hastily pours it.

Perrie has recently been named creative director of the number one fashion magazine House of Poise. Of course, of all the days for her phone to die in the middle of the night so the alarm didn't go off, it had to be today. The day when she had a very important meeting about her plans for the future direction of House of Poise with the owner of the magazine, Magdalena Swan.

She quickly towels off her hand and thanks the good Lord she didn't spill all the coffee, so just enough to get her through the morning makes it into the mug. She quickly grabs her purse and keys, sneaking a peek in her mirror by the door to make sure her blonde hair isn't as frazzled as she's feeling, locks up her apartment, and sprints down the stairs two at a time to the parking lot.

"Okay, if I leave now and go about 15 over the speed limit the whole way and don't hit any red lights, I MIGHT be able to make it with 2 minutes to catch my breath," the blonde reasons with herself as she rounds the corner of the building and straight into a parked moving truck.

"What the..." she whispers angrily as she saw the truck was blocking her car.

"HELLO?! Is the owner of this moving truck around?! You're blocking my car and I'm late for work!" She stood there fuming as her head moved from side to side trying to find anyone around.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! We'll get it moved right away," came a soft voice from behind her.

Perrie turned around. Her "angry face" still very much on to show this person just how frustrated she is and that she needed to leave 5 minutes ago. But when her eyes met the owner of the voice, her cold expression immediately turned into a mix of shock and admiration. There, standing in front of her, was the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Her brown hair cascading in perfectly curled waves down her shoulders. Her caramel eyes shining brightly, illuminated by the sun that was also casting a radiating glow on her tan skin.

"N-no worries. I...I'm j-just late for work and w-would really like t-to get my car out," stuttered the blonde as her eyes continued to drink in the breathtakingly beautiful brunette who actually seemed to be taking her breath away as that sentence came out as more of a whisper than the loud and annoyed tone she had used less than a minute ago.

"I completely understand. Again, so sorry for the inconvenience! I'll get my boyfriend to move the truck right away," said the brunette with a smile while Perrie continued to stare at her in a daze until a word the brunette had said suddenly came back to her and snapped her back into reality.

Boyfriend? She thought as a tall attractive man with brown hair came down the stairs and joined the pair.

"Babe, the place is starting to look much better now that there's actually furniture in there," said the man while he casually slung his arm around the brunette's shoulders.

Perrie stood there and watched. Her heartbeat quickening and her face beginning to flush once again with anger. Not the same anger she had when she saw that her car was blocked, but this anger was directed specifically at the young man with his arm around the gorgeous brunette. Jealousy was probably a better word to describe it, but she didn't understand why she'd be jealous. She didn't know the brunette existed until about 2 minutes ago. Heck, she didn't even know her name! Why would she be jealous?!

Maybe because the second the blonde laid eyes on the petite girl, her heart jumped up into her throat and a million butterflies unleashed in her stomach threatening to all come up and push her heart out completely. If looks could kill, then she'd be dead right now. Dead but incredibly happy because she got to witness the rarest and purest form of beauty she didn't even know was possible until now. She wanted this girl. She didn't care that she didn't know her. All she knew was that there was some sort of magnetic field drawing her towards the brunette and she would be the luckiest girl in the world if she could have her.

"That's great! Umm...Jed, can you please move the truck so that she can get to her car?" asked the brunette as she pointed to Perrie, who was still silently shooting daggers at the young man until she realized all attention was on her, so she quickly softened her stare and tried to muster up the friendliest smile she could on the spot.

"Oh, sorry! I was afraid this would happen. And I was hoping we'd get lucky and not piss off any of our neighbors on our first day in the complex," said Jed with a nervous laugh as he climbed up into the truck.

As Jed started moving the truck down the parking lot, the brunette walked over to Perrie and extended her arm out for a handshake. "I'm Jade, by the way. Jade Thirlwall. And that was my boyfriend, Jed Elliot. I hope we don't make you too late, uh...?"

"Perrie. Perrie Edwards. And it's okay, I've cut it close before, so I know what limits I can push to make sure I get there on time. It's nice to meet you, Jade," the blonde managed to say without stuttering as she shook the brunette's hand. Her confidence starting to come back to her after the initial shock of seeing the closest thing to an angel in person. Although, hearing Jade say "boyfriend" once again made Perrie feel like the knife that went into her chest the first time the brunette said it had been pushed in deeper.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Perrie. And okay, that's good to hear. I hope we didn't make a bad first impression on you," said Jade with a smile as she let go of the blonde's hand.

"I don't hold grudges," the blonde responded with a wink over her shoulder as she got into her car. As she pulled her car out of the parking spot and made her way out of the complex, she looked into her rearview mirror and smiled as she saw Jade standing there watching her drive away. She didn't even notice Jed, who walked out from where he parked the moving truck and was waving goodbye to Perrie. All she could focus on was the beautiful brunette who's now living in her apartment complex and who she can't wait to have another run-in with.

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