Chapter 10

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Jade's POV:

The sun shining through the window woke me up from sleep. I tried to stretch my arms when my left arm hit a cushion that felt like the back of a couch. Feeling confused, I opened my eyes and realized I was not in my bed in my apartment like I thought I was.

Then I remembered Perrie and I had snuggled on her couch last night and we must've fallen asleep. I looked around me to see the blonde beauty but frowned when I saw no sign of her.

"Good morning sleepy head," came a sweet voice from a few feet behind me. I propped myself up on my elbows and turned to see Perrie smiling at me as she held a spatula in her hand and the smell of bacon and pancakes filled my nostrils.

"Did you sleep alright? Sorry if the couch was uncomfortable. I hadn't realized we'd fallen asleep until I woke up half an hour before you," said the blonde as she turned back to the stove to flip the pancakes.

I got up from the couch and made my way towards my girlfriend.

"I slept perfectly fine," I said as I came up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist.

"Good morning," I whispered in her ear, then gave her a peck below her earlobe and rested my chin on her shoulder.

I felt her lean into me as she flipped another pancake.

"Good. I hope you like pancakes and bacon," she said as she turned to give me a quick peck on the lips before putting the pancakes onto a plate.

"I sure do!" I exclaimed. "And this all smells delicious. Thanks for making breakfast."

"Anything for you, baby," said the blonde and she gave me another quick peck on the lips.

I melted on the spot and couldn't help but give her a dreamy smile.

Perrie's POV:

After breakfast, Jade and I cleaned up and then she went back to her apartment to get showered and ready for the day. We asked Leigh-Anne and Jesy if they wanted to hang out.

We decided on going to the amusement park since none of us have gone in a while and the weather is supposed to be great today.


We arrived at the amusement park and there are TONS of people!

The first ride we walked by had a shorter line than the ones around it, so we chose that one to go on first.

"I absolutely LOVE rollercoasters! I'm so excited for this!" cheered Leigh-Anne as we all looked up at the giant metal ride with its loops and turns and the huge drop it has at the beginning.

Jesy and I both cheered along with Leigh and then I realized a certain brunette next to me was being very quiet.

"Everything alright, babe?" I asked as I gave Jade's hand a squeeze.

"Huh?" she asked as she turned to face me after studying the giant drop of the rollercoaster.

"I asked if everything's alright. You're really quiet," I said as I ran my thumb over her knuckles.

"I'm terrified of rollercoasters," the petite girl said worriedly. Her eyes kept darting between the rollercoaster drop and my face.

"Oh babe...we don't have to go on the ride if you're afraid. We can let Jesy and Leigh go while you and I go play some games or walk around or something," I said soothingly as I pulled her close to me.

She rested her head on my shoulder for a moment before straightening up.

"No," she said confidently. "I want to go on the rollercoaster and I will have fun. I'll be terrified, but it'll be fun," she added more to herself than to me.

"You sure? Really it's okay if you don't want-," I started to say before she interrupted me.

"No, Pez. I need to face my fear and go. Plus, I'll have you by my side to hold onto," she said with a wide grin.

I reciprocated her grin and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Girls, let's go!" yelled Jesy. Jade and I were so caught up in talking we didn't realize we had moved to the front of the line.

"You sure you wanna do this? It's okay if you want to leave," I asked again before getting on the ride.

"Yes, baby, I'll be fine. Thank you though. As long as you hold my hand, I can do anything," said the brunette as she squeezed my hand tightly.

I squeezed her hand back and we both got on the rollercoaster behind Leigh and Jesy.

Jade's POV:

Am I crazy? Am I literally out of my mind?! WHY did I agree to this?

My mind was going wild while we boarded the rollercoaster. I almost turned around to leave until I locked eyes with Perrie. She had that "I'm proud of you" look, and I knew I couldn't let her down.

We're about 10 seconds from the first drop of the ride and my heart is racing.

I felt Perrie grab my hand and all was well in the world until...That. Fucking. Drop.

"NANAAAAAAAAA! NANA! AHHHHHHH! AHHHH!" I screamed until my voice went hoarse.

2 minutes later and the ride was over, but I feel like it shaved a good 10 years off my life. Also, why did I scream for my nana?

We got off the rollercoaster and I was immediately engulfed in a big hug by my blonde.

"Babe, I'm SO proud of you! You did it! You made me deaf in one ear, but you did it!" she cheered as Jesy and Leigh-Anne tried to high-five me.

"Thank you all, but can the next ride we go on be less...tall?" I asked, still trying to calm my heart.

"How about that?!" pointed Leigh-Anne excitedly.

We turned to see what she was pointing at and saw bumper cars.

"YES! Let's do it! Jerrie in one car and us in another," said Jesy as she looped her arm through Leigh-Anne's and they ran ahead.

I turned to Perrie and grabbed her arm. "We got this, babe!"

"Oh they're going down!" said the blonde with a playful glint in her eye.

We both ran to the bumper cars and got in one with Perrie behind the wheel.

The second the bumper cars started, she pushed the pedal to the metal and we lurched forward.

We sped around the corner and ended up behind Lesy. "Brace yourself, Jade," said the blonde with an evil laugh and rammed the bumper car right into the back of them.

"Hey!" they both yelled as they turned to glare at us.

Perrie and I let out a loud laugh as she manouvered us away from them, because we knew they would surely seek revenge.

The rest of the day was spent spent running around, laughing, eating, taking silly pictures and thankfully, no more giant rollercoasters. I'm so glad I'm with the ones I love. One in particular I know I'm falling deeply in love with. I hope she feels the same.

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