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Felix smiles as he walks into the house. They didn't have practice today, which sadden Felix, but it was Friday as well. He took his shoes off and walked upstairs. He set his bag down and laid on the bed. He turned his TV on and watched his show that had a new episode out.


"Felix! Come downstairs!"

Felix pauses his show and goes downstairs. "Yes?" He asks. "We got your grade report in," His mom says and Felix's eyebrows furrow. "I'm not failing," Felix says as he sits down on the couch. "Yes, you aren't," she says. "My grades are fine, I don't understand." Her lips go into a thin line. "Mom, my grades are fine," Felix sighs. "Yes, they are but you need to work harder."

Felix frowns. "They're fine, I'll study more," Felix says. "And harder," She says. Felix shakes his head. "I don't want to put more pressure on myself," She sighs. "Felix if you want-"

"I shouldn't have to worry about getting a good job at my age mom," Felix says. She sighs at her son's remark. "I have my recital in a few weeks and I'm trying my hardest to memorize my solo," Felix stands up. "I'm going to go out for a while," Felix says as he walks over and puts his shoes on, grabbing his bag. "Felix don't be stubborn," She says standing up.

Felix frowns and looks at her. "I'm not being stubborn." he opens the door and leaves.


He rubbed his arms as it started to get cold. He didn't understand why he had to get straight 'A's. He tried his hardest and it pays off by getting 'A's and 'B's. He gripped onto his arms as he climbed the stairs of a familiar building.

He pushed open the door and stepped onto the roof, not noticing someone familiar. He took his phone out as he walked to open space. He set his stuff on the couch and sat down, taking his shoes off and putting his ballet shoes on. He played the song he was doing for his solo and let his mind take over.

Changbin looked up from his notebook when the door suddenly open. He was sitting on top of a chimney with the top covered. He came to the roof cause he wanted to get out of the house. He let a smile form on his face when he saw Felix but it dropped when the male walked off. Changbin turned around to observed the upset looking male.

He was confused when the younger stood back up after pulling something out of his bag. He took off his headphone and let them rest around his neck as he heard the younger's music play. He thought he did hip-hop, but listening to his choice of music it was slow and relaxing change his mind. All the stress Changbin had with his song left his body.

His mouth dropped, though, as the younger started dancing. Changbin knows all the dancing genres so he knows what ballet looks like. He was shocked at first, but let a smile spread across his face after seeing a few seconds of the younger dancers.

The way his body move was something Changbin would never get tired of. It was relaxing to see after a test filled day. His jumps looked so effortless. His spins were done perfectly.

He finished and Changbin clapped, gaining the younger's attention. "O-Oh! Changbin hyung," Felix says his cheeks turning pink. Changbin places his notebook down and hops off where he was seated.

Felix steps back a little as Changbin walked closer. "I didn't know you did ballet," Changbin says grabbing the younger's hand and pulling him to sit on the couch. "I-I do," Felix says looking at his lap.

Changbin frowns and lifts his face up. "Something wrong?" He asks. "No," Felix mumbles. "What were you doing here?" Felix asks changing the subject. "Working on a song," Changbin answers. "What about you?" Changbin asks. "I needed to get away from my mom," Felix says bring his feet onto the couch and laying his head on Changbin's shoulder.

Changbin hums as he puts his around Felix. "Are you cold?" Changbin asks. "You're in leggings and a shirt," Felix nods his head. Changbin takes his arm off of Felix and sits up to take his jacket off.

He handed it to Felix who took it with a smile. "Thanks hyung," Felix puts it on and takes his shoes off and puts his normal shoes on. "Come on," Changbin helps Felix up and they walk over to where Changbin day before. "You were sitting here?" Felix asks as Changbin helps him up. "Yeah," he answers sitting up as well.

Felix's eyes landed on the headphones around Changbin's neck. "Were you listening to something hyung?" Felix asks. Changbin looks at Felix who had big eyes. "I did somethings to the song,"

Felix smiles. "Can...Can I listen to it?" Felix asks. "Sure," Changbin takes the headphones off of his neck and places them on Felix's head. He played the song and Felix smiles.

Felix looked at Changbin who was looking at him with questioning eyes. "So?" Felix smiles. "Great!" Felix says taking them off.

Changbin looks at his watch. "I should get you home," Changbin hops off and holds Felix's waist as he hops off as well. "Let me get my bag," Changbin nods his head and lets go of his waist.

It started sprinkling a millisecond after. "Felix hurry," Changbin says. Felix comes running over and it started pouring. "Lix, put your jacket over your head," Felix complies and puts the jacket over his head. "What about you?" Felix asks.

Changbin chuckles and wraps his arms around Felix's waist bring him into a hug where the jacket was over them. They're faces where inches away and they could feel each other's breath on their lips. "C-Changbin," Felix says

The older hums in response as his eyes go from the younger's deer like eyes to his lips. Felix removes the jacket from above them and puts it on. Changbin tilts his head at Felix who moved a hand to his cheek while the other went to the back of his neck.

Felix's eyes flickered between Changbin's eyes to his lips. The older tightened his hold on the younger's waist. They leaned forward, lips parting, and eyes closing. They're lips touches and they both melted into the kiss. Changbin pushed Felix gently against the wall and Felix moved his other hand to Changbin's neck.

Changbin pulled away and they both let their eyes flutter open.

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