Flower Shop AU....ish

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Now this one is a one shot. Just a bit of a warning, Donchard is a pretty big ship in this one.

Dashlie had been baking for as long as she could remember, so it was only natural she would open a small bakery.

They didn't sell much, just a few generic items like pastries and bread, but they got enough costumes to stay afloat. Of course, she couldn't do it herself. She had hired another baker, Jon, to work in the back while she worked the cash register. Sometimes, they would switch places, but she stayed out front most of the anything.

There wasn't anything she hated about her small location. It had been her dream ever since she was a child. 

 Well, there was one thing.

Dashlie hated her neighbour.
Next to her bakery was a flower shop owned by a man around her age. She wasn't quite sure why she hated him so strongly, but there was something about him she didn't like. Whenever she stopped by his shop he would always look at her suspiciously. He had the loveliest sunflowers she had ever seen, so she tried to ignore him whenever she went inside.

He also seemed to just be unbelievably rude to her. Whenever she tried to buy flowers for her bakery, he would rarely talk to her and just tell her how much she needed to pay while sounding and looking tired and irritated. He didn't even look her in the eye. Of course, that was only when he was out front.

Sometimes it would be another man, and while the two looked remarkably similar, one had bright crimson eyes while the other had warm caramel eyes. He was always courteous to her, and when she asked about the other man, he told her that "he's a bit hard to talk to, even 

though he's the owner".

Dashlie and the owner had a few arguments, usually over what constituted as whose property, but there had been a few trivial ones. She distinctly remembered he refused to accept a gift of her pastries, which they both got defensive over.
Whatever she just needed to add some flowers to the vase at her bakery. She never wanted to get to know him on a deeper level than she already did, but that wasn't going to happen.
It was an otherwise normal day when it happened. Don walked into her shop with a fresh bouquet of sunflowers. Don was her best friend since childhood and the two knew almost everything about each other. In fact, she met Jon through him. They hadn't had much time to talk to one another recently, but they were still close.
"Hey, I notice your roses were dying so I got you these. I know they're your favourite," he said, handing her the bouquet.

She recognized those flowers anywhere. They were from the shop next door, but since when did Don start going there? They were also pretty expensive, how could he have bought them?

"These are from next door, right?" She asked. He nodded.

"I got them for free. I know the owner," that was strange. Don never mentioned knowing the owner. The two shared almost all of their friends and acquaintances, and Don wasn't a social person.


"Yeah, actually. Since about a month ago, we started dating,"


Richard wasn't looking for a relationship until he met Don.

He was a florist, and while that wasn't what he went to school for, it was something he enjoyed. His overly helpful cousin, Nick, had decided to work for him, and that's how he met Don.

The two of them were distant acquaintances, nothing too close, but Nick had introduced them a few months back to each other. Richard wasn't impressed at first, mainly because he didn't seem like he was interested in him in at least a platonic way, but as time went on, they grew close, close enough for the two of them to start developing something more than friendship.

Eventually, Don told him that he was bisexual and that he was in love with him. Of course, Richard told him he needed to think about it, but a week later, the two were on their first date.So imagine his surprise when his neighbour, a girl that he frankly couldn't stand, entered his shop and started asking questions about his relationship.

The girl owned a bakery next to his flower shop, and whenever she entered his shop, she would always look like she was trying to steal something. He had customers attempt to steal flowers before, but most of the time it was Nick who was out front when it happened. He said that "you probably intimidate them", but had his doubts.

The girl would eye down his merchandise and composed herself rather suspiciously, and while he didn't want to jump to conclusions, he almost never looked her in the eye.

She also didn't seem to understand that he was lactose intolerant. Most of the pastries she sent to him had either cream, custard, or milk in its recipe. Even when he told her this, she thought it was an excuse.

The two argued about incredibly trivial things, but they were important enough in the great of 

the moment.

"How do you know Don?" she asked him, not even giving her name.

"Donathan Donovan?" He questioned. He always thought the name was funny.

"Yes him! How do you know him?!" She was practically screaming in his face at this point.

"Well, how the hell do you know him?" He asked. She sighed.

"He's my best friend!"


"I'm his boyfriend!" He responded. She looked even more irritated.

"I know that, dipshit! When did you meet him?!"

"We were introduced, alright?! If you want to ask, talk to Nick! And who the fuck are you?" The two were about to engage in a shouting match when the bell on Richard's door rang as someone stepped in.

"Hey, how are you two doing? I was looking for you," Don said to the girl, completely oblivious to their anger towards one another. Almost immediately the girl switched attitudes.

"Oh, we're doing fine. We didn't actually know each other on a first name basis, so I was dropping in to say hello," she gave her neighbour a sideways glance, as if telling him don't mess this up.

"I didn't know your friend worked next door, Don," he responded, sounding as nonchalant as he could.

"Well, it never came up. Anyways, I left the flowers in your vase, Dashlie. I'll talk to you two later. Richard, same time as always this Saturday, right?" he replied. He nodded back, the door closing and leaving the two alone in dead silence.

Dashlie looked at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?"


Maybe I'll continue this. For some reason, the grammar checker that I use sometimes was set on British English, so "neighbor" is spelt with a u.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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