Papa Jhons

649 17 3

P.O.V: Jessica

"Hey, I also have a romantic dinner planned out" Evan says as he takes my hand

"Where are you taking me?" I say with a smile

"Well.. Not so romantic.. Papa jhons.. Thats all I could kinda afford after buying you that sky writer.." Evan says while he looks at me with a gleaming smile

"Thanks, I really appreactiate it" I say as I hug him

"No problem" Evan says in his sweet lovely voice

"Hey what time is it?" I say worridly

"10:30..." Evan says sadly

"Oh my god.. Im so sorry! I need to go" I say as I grab my clutch purse and start running rapidly down the street

"Wait! Ill take you to Papa Jhons soon!" Evan says in the distance

"Sorry! Bye" I scream as I run down the street to my house

🏡At Home🏡

"Where.. WHERE WERE YOU!?" Felix and Marzia say angrily

"And why did you come here running? Did he do something to you!?" Felix says worriedly

"No! Of course not I just looked at the time and.. Im sorry okay!" I say outloud

"Just go to sleep..." Marzia says softly

"Why do I always look like the bad guy here? I just dont really want Jessica around people that could hurt her" Felix says softly as I walk up the stairs

"Good night.." I say softly as I opend my rooms door

"Night night!" Felix and Marzia scream in the distance as I tuck myself in bed

~Thats all for now bro's!! Sorry for updating 2 days after.. Or was it 3.. Well sorry! Bye bro's!~

👊Bro Fist!👊

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