Chapter 1

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It was a long, but uneventful journey for Rohea, Puccar, and Maes. Rohea dutifully completed his stretching exercises every morning before they broke camp, and found his strength and health recover incrementally. Maes joined him in the morning stretches, and also practiced the sword movements that Rohea had previously taught her. Puccar watched her practice with interest, but did not say a word.

When they were halfway to Yaklo, they made camp for the night. They started a small fire a short distance from the road, and were roasting some fish that Puccar had caught from a nearby stream. A low rumble first caught their attention, and Rohea and Puccar immediately stood up and scanned in the direction of the sound.

"A carriage approaches," Puccar said, pointing at a small figure in the distance.

The carriage grew bigger as it got nearer to the party. The horses appeared haggard, as if they had been on the road without rest for many days. As the carriage approached their camp, it slowed down and finally came to a stop a short distance from their campsite.

Rohea and Puccar spread out slightly, and placed their hands on their sword sheaths. Rohea gestured to Maes to stay behind him. Maes appeared slightly miffed but complied.

The man driving the horses of the carriage turned his head to face them, but remained motionless otherwise. The door to the carriage opened, and a well-dressed man stepped out.

The well-dressed man called out, "Hello there, travelers!"

Rohea raised his hand and replied, "Good evening to you! How goes your travels?"

The man put his hands to his sides and walked closer to them. He said, "Not very well, I'm afraid. We are traveling to Riloo. My wife is deathly ill, but the doctors of our town say that there is nothing more they can do. I heard that there is a healer in Riloo, but I fear my wife may not survive the remainder of the trip."

"I am sorry to hear that," Puccar said.

Rohea and Puccar glanced and each other and nodded.

"You are welcome to join our camp for the night if you'd like," Rohea said.

The man thought for a short while and replied, "Yes, we would like that. I want to get to Riloo as soon as possible, but the horses need a rest."

The well-dressed man walked up to Rohea and Puccar, and outstretched his hand.

"I am Ridas. That is my servant, Garren," he said, pointing to the man on the horse. "My wife Nyier is in the carriage. Garren!" he called. "Help Nyier down. Some fresh air will do her some good."

"Yes sir," Garren said, dismounting the horse with practiced ease. He walked to the carriage and gently rapped his knuckles. "Mistress Nyier, I am coming in to help you down from the carriage."

Without waiting for an answer, Garren climbed in. A short moment later, he emerged from the carriage back-first, carrying a woman in his arms.

Maes gasped when she saw how frail Nyier looked, even from the distance. Nyier was completely limp in Garren's arms, and as Garren approached the group, Maes could tell how ashen Nyier's skin looked.

Ridas nodded sadly. "Nyier is deathly sick, she has been getting worse in the last few days."

Maes approached Garren and Nyier, and glanced at Ridas. Maes touched Nyier's arm and pulled back quickly.

"She is burning up!" Maes exclaimed. "Come, we must give her some water."

Garren brought Nyier over towards the campfire, while Maes took out her water pouch. She lifted Nyier's head slightly and poured a little water into Nyier's mouth.

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