Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

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I looked up at the clock on the wall in the hot small room cluttered with desks,  having a student in each. Man I couldn't wait for school to be let out. All I had was four days left of this torture, till I would finally be able to say, I completed high school.

I looked down at my paper one last time before the obnoxious bell rang. Man I was glad I wouldn't hear that again in a few days.

"Remember, you have finals these next few days! Study hard and get a good nights rest!" Mr. Johnson yelled

One thing I wasn't looking forward to, finals.
My gpa has gone up so far these past two years, and my grades were significantly improving, so if I bombed these finals, I could kiss UCLA goodbye.

I walked out of my English block, pulling out my phone just like the many other students who littered the hall.

"Faye!" I heard my best friend Janna yell, pushing her way through all of the freshman, making out with their significant others. Most three her a dirty look as she shoved her way through, but she returned one just as equally rude, if not worse.

"Party at Justin's tomorrow night!" She exclaimed. By the look on my face, she had already known my answer before even asking my the god forsaken question.

"Oh please tell me your not gonna ditch me!" She pleaded giving me her puppy dog eyes. I shook my head looking down at the tiled floor as we walk to our ceramics block.

"Janna, you know I can't! Yeah I have finals to study for. I can't afford to not get a scholarship to UCLA." I sighed looking up to her, to see her face drop.

"Yeah I understand I guess." She gently ended the conversation. UCLA was my bucket list school to go to. I needed to get some form of scholarship, definitely not because I needed to, but because I felt that if I didn't help pay for college even the slightest bit, I'd be just like the rest of the rich snobs.

My family was, well the best way to put it, well off. We didn't act like we lived a lavish lifestyle, but we in a way, did. My family lived on the nice part of town, in a gated community and we lived in one of the larger houses.

My mom had always raised me to have humility and to brag or boast of my upbringing.

Finally we reached out ceramics block, with a few minutes to spare. As we took our seats Janna looked at me expectingly.

"What!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air. What did she expect me to do? She knew how much this meant to me.

"Well it's Friday tomorrow, and you have all weekend to study!" She pleaded giving the god forsaken puppy dog eyes, again. "And if your not having fun, we can leave I promise!" She exclaimed, holding on to my arm and shaking it slightly.

I rolled my eyes. She wasn't wrong, but I already knew if I didn't say yes, I would be dragged to the party anyway. I looked down at the sad excuse of a flower pot I was making.

"I have one condition," I began, "you can't go home with someone other than me, leaving me stranded," I finished. Janna looked like a fish out of water. A slow smile creeped its way on to my face. Janna rolled her eyes nodding her head as a answer.

We turn to the front of the room as the teacher began speaking. I looked at the clock once again, two more hours till I could leave. Hallelujah.

Before I knew it, my last class had come and gone. As a senior I had a shortened schedule, which made it extremely easy for me to somewhat enjoy high school.

I exited my English block meeting at Janna and mines meeting spot. I pulled out my phone to see 4 new texts from her.

'I'm going to skip last block'
'I'm getting milkshakes and popcorn for us'
'Your coming over after school still right?'

The last text was from 13 minutes ago and I shook my head. Of course she was skipping, there wasn't a week that went by when she didn't skip. It does help to have the superintendent as your dad. I walked the few lockers over to my locker, and put my books away.

Just as I was packing my bag, I heard the giggling before I even saw what I already knew was going to be a disturbing sight. There was Brooke, the schools slut, and her 'boyfriend' Alexander. I should have known it was coming, as I was standing right next to their favorite make out place.

'Ugh here they come' I thought to myself. I quickened my pace of shoving my belongings into my backpack. As the giggles got closer they also got quieter. Hallelujah.

"Well, well, well," Brooke tsked. "If it isn't Faye!'' She spoke all nasally. I rolled my eyes. Only she would even bother saying anything to me. I looked over my shoulder at her, popping her hip, and crossing her arms over her chest.

"What can I help you with?" I questioned slowly, mocking her stupidity. She rolled her eyes this time. "It'd do us a huge favor if you'd move, preferably far away!" She snapped. I finally looked up to meet Alexander's eyes.

They looked sad and drained, like they couldn't stand her anymore. I looked back down at Brooke. "Don't worry, I'll move in a minute so you can pass your stds on," I remarked, turning back to my locker to finish packing my things.

I heard her huff. I finished putting my things in my bag, and slammed my locker shut. "Happy?" I questioned, pivoting on my toes missing her reply. The faster I got out of their, the better.

Brooke, was the cliche. She was my ex best friend from middle school. As soon as we reached high school, she became the hot one, and was 'too cool' for me. I went through the braces stage, while she went through the bra stage. I was always a step behind her.

It didn't even matter now. She and I had gone our separate ways and that's the way I liked it. It was almost a silent deal we had. In the masses of the school bodies, she stayed away from me, and I her.

I continued making my way to my car, to drive to Janna's house. I definitely needed best friend therapy. Once I got into my car, I cranked the station loud, the music blaring into my ears, perfect, just the way I like it. I buckled and then pulled out of the parking spot quickly. Two hands on the steering wheel, two eyes on the road, but one mind far from reality.


Hello! Welcome to my new book, Thots Not Feelings! No worries about there being an authors note after each chapter, I'm definitely not like that! Any who, please don't steal my ideas, characters, plot, etc. I worked hard on this concept. More chapters are to come, they probably won't be on a set upload schedule, because it's my senior year of high school!! Woot woot!!

Anyway, enjoy the book, no mean or critical comments they will be deleted. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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