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I got burnt in Port Aranses

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I got burnt in Port Aranses. It kinda hurts like a bi- wait wut? I can't SAY THAT?! F*ck! ...Really... A damn censor... Ugh... It hurts like hellfire right now. I'll still be on, but I'll try to recover due to my wifey's (flawless_mighty) advice.

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Wow, youre devoted

Almost there!

If you read this... I love you, you're amazing, and you deserve love. If you don't, then NAH FAM, I'M GUCCI *cries in corner* But anyway. Before you keep scrolling, I have to say one thing

What do I call my readers? Im trying to do something unique here, but with as few of here as there are, this'll take A while to take effect.


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