Chapter Fourteen

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I go to campus and see the last thing I expect. The Chi Omega girls are freezing their butts off in shorts and t-shirts while trying to raise money by washing cars. A few are holding up handmade posters that have way too much glitter on them. Jenny is up front and center, trying to look sexy as she's rubbing down someone's Prius.

I grab her by the arm and ask another girl to take her place. I drag her away from the crowd. "What the hell is this?" I say, trying unsuccessfully to hold my anger in check.

"You said I could handle the fundraiser!" Jenny says, snatching her arm away from me.

"Yes, the fundraiser I already set up, the fundraiser that the girls have been handing out fliers for these past two weeks, the fundraiser that is NOT happening now!" 

"I like my idea better," she tells me.

"I don't effing care," I tell her. "When you brought this idea to the table, you were outvoted, and we went with having a barbecue instead."

"This will raise more money!" she says, now getting in my face.

My blood is rushing, and my face feels on fire. I am so livid. "Carwashes only make a few hundred dollars. If you're lucky enough to get 10 cars in an hour, you will still need to work at least 6 hours just to do 60 cars. If each car gives you the $5.00 you're asking for, you will make only $300.00, minus expenses for soap, buckets, sponges, towels, hoses, and signs, not to mention all of that work. And if that is not reason enough, it's WINTER!" I say, pointing over to the girls, who are shivering in the cold.

"It's sexy," Jenny tells me. "Something you obviously can't possibly understand."

"There is nothing SEXY about a bunch of women freezing their assess off to make a few bucks. I projected my idea to make the sorority well over $2,000.00 dollars, in a third of the time."

"A barbeque?" she scoffs.

"Yes, Jenny, a barbeque. Do you know how often a college student gets a homemade meal for under $10.00 dollars? Most eat Ramen noodles, made in their coffee pots. It's reported that they eat over 95 million servings of Ramen in a year. The company's net sales are over 3.2 billion a year. You know what that tells me, Jenny?"

"No. What?" she says in a huff.

"College students are starving and are dying for a good meal, which means they will pay handsomely for one."

"Gakusei Ryori," I say.

She scrunches up her face at me. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means Student Cuisine, in Japanese. Often what Ramen Noodles are referred to in Japan," I hear Alex say behind me. His hand is now resting on my shoulder and I immediately feel my heart rate slow down.

He pulls out the flyer from his pocket. "I thought the sorority was holding a barbeque, Cat. I'd kill for a good meal right about now."

I'm just staring at Jenny. Her eyes narrow on me like she wishes she had laser beams, and I'd burst into flames.

I walk away from her and yell, "Okay girls, last car, then pack it up and get some warm clothes on!" Checking the time on my phone I say, "I expect all of you back here in 45 minutes. Got it?!"

I am greeted with cheers and jumping up and down. They clean up everything in about 10 minutes. "God bless you, Cat," Olivia says, running over to me.

"45 minutes!" I say again.

"You heard her, girls!!!" Olivia yells. "Let's get a move on."

I walk back to Jenny. "What happened to everything I had ordered for today?"

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