- reward -

910 36 3

"Study time, Hyunjin"
"But bAbbbbbY, I don't waNnnA"

Hyunjin put his head in his hands. His boyfriend, jeongin in his bed facing each other. Exams are soon, and hyunjin needs to study for this one math test. Which determines his final grades. In other words, he's stressed.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Besides if you get the questions right, maybe you'll get a reward"

Hyunjin took his head out of his hands to see jeongin giving him a cheeky smile. 'That cUtE bastard', he thought.

"What kinda of reward?"
"You'll have to study and find out"

Jeongin put the text book on hyunjins lap, pressing his hand on his thigh caressing it.

"I want my boyfriend to pass, passing is just so mm"
"You're such a tease"
"Just get it done"

Hyunjin had been reading the text book, learning how to do the formal. Then doing the first five problems.

"Done! Here, check"

Hyunjin handed his boyfriend his work. He was worried looking at jeongin, going back and forth from the practice work and the answers. He had no expression in his face what so ever, then it just lit up. Like a puppy.

"Good job, baby!"
"Wheres my reward, hmMm"

Jeongin pushed himself on Hyunjin. Taking in his lips.
Hyunjin was taken back, reacting to what was happening, he grabbed jeongin by the waist. Putting him all the way in his lap.
Jeongin had pulled away first, leaving a last peck on hyunjins lips before getting off.
That's a reward.

"Wow, okay. Shall be study more?"
Hyunjin asked.
"That's what we're doing"
Jeongin replayed.

This is honestly just cute things that I feel like they would do, and not an actual book lmao.

[ vanilla kisses. ] - hyunin Where stories live. Discover now