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I've been dreaming of this day, even before it was a figment of my imagination. The universe works in mysterious ways. It presents opportunities at your front door when you least expect it. But it only does so when you're prepared to invite them inside for an extended visit. That's where I am now, on my doorstep, ready to set forth on this grand new adventure.

Their sedan pulls up to the curb. Nervous anxiety consumes me as the young couple emerges from the car. They're my first official guests.

The man keeps staring at the house while the woman's gaze is drawn toward the garden beside it. He carries a suitcase while they walk up the pathway together, arms interlocked.

I greet them at the bottom of the steps. "Good afternoon."

"This place is exquisite. Simply lovely." Her words are airy and light, coming from the heart. Even before we are introduced, I know everything will be okay.

"I have the chickadee suite reserved for you. It's our finest room available with a full view of the garden. And you're welcome to stroll through it anytime you'd like." I extend my hand. "I'm Claire Perkins, owner of Fly Away Home." Speaking those words aloud for the first time creates an involuntary smile. I'll never grow tired of this wonderful feeling.

"Oh, dear. Where are my manners? I suppose it's easy to become distracted when you're surrounded by something so beautiful." I know what she means. We're going to get along well.

"She speaks the truth." The man leans over and places a tender kiss on his wife's cheek. It's inspiring to see love bloom in others like it has for Jack and me. He reaches his hand out to shake mine. "I'm Benjamin. Benjamin Shaw. And this is my beautiful bride, Virginia."

"Call me Ginny." She smiles wide and sweet, as if we've been lifelong friends.

"Ginny and Benjamin, it's my sincere pleasure to be the host for your stay."

"Well, with service like this and a property so charming, we may never leave." A part of me believes he might not be joking. I can appreciate their attraction to this small town. There's an unspoken magic in Pigeon Grove. It continues to spread through the kindness and generosity of its people.

Jack makes his way down the sidewalk toward me. He carries a paper bag I know is full of lemons in one hand, and a bunch of flowering lavender in the other. I wave to him as my smile grows ever wider. I might not have enough peach tart left for our daily porch date, but that's okay. Everything is okay. Actually, it's perfect.

I direct my focus back toward the newlyweds. They're still smiling with pinky fingers interlocked by their side. "Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know." And finally, the words I've been waiting to say and feel forever.

"Welcome home."

~ The End ~

Did you enjoy your visit to Pigeon Grove? Would you like to experience more of this small town's magical charm? A reservation for the chickadee suite at Claire's B&B awaits. I invite you to extend your stay by reading my first novel in the Pigeon Grove series.

Follow Mason Shaw & Sophie Holland on a shared romantic journey as each struggles to answer a difficult question. Is accepting a troubled past safer than embracing an uncertain future? A willingness to confide in each other may be just what both need, but the past doesn't release its grip on either of them that easily. Trust hides in that fragile space between holding on and letting go.

Fly away home to Pigeon Grove, revisit with some old friends, and read the small-town romance, Between the Lines.

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