[I'm Never Leaving You, I Promise.]

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It was a late night, and Emma and Ray were still in the middle of hunting. Well, they had decided to sleep in the cave so that the demons wouldn't find them. Ray was asleep, though Emma wasn't.

She was sitting up in a tree, keeping watch.

Emma hadn't slept in almost 24 hours, but she didn't even care. She decided that she was going to keep watch to protect Ray, since he was always the one protecting her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, as she was determined to stay awake.

She couldn't fall asleep here.

Not now.

Emma yawned, quickly covering her mouth so that the demons wouldn't hear her. Just then, the branch she was sitting on cracked, and in a split second, she was falling towards the ground.

"RAY!!!" She screamed, not caring if the demons heard her at this point. Right now, she needed Ray here to save her.

Quick footsteps were heading towards Emma, and she perked up her head to see Ray coming to her rescue. He did not look happy, as an angered expression appeared on his face.

He picked Emma up bridal style and hurried back to the cave.


"What the hell were you doing out there!?" Ray hissed under his breath.

Emma pouted, wincing as Ray began wrapping bandages around her leg. She hated being yelled at by him, and yet she made him angry once again.

"I just wanted to protect you, okay!?"

Ray stopped for a second. "You're gonna get yourself killed one of these days..." He said in a monotone voice.

Tears pooled in Emma's eyes as her gaze dropped to the cave floor.

"You're always protecting me like I'm some sort of damsel in distress, and I just wanted to protect you for once!" She sniffled.

Ray froze in his tracks. He hadn't expected her to feel this way.

He tched. "You're such an idiot." Without thinking, that was what he said.

Emma flinched. "Please don't hit me..."

Ray knelt down to her level. "Oh, Emma... Why would I hit you?"

Emma huffed. "Because you always hit me when I'm being stupid..."

Ray grinned, his gaze meeting with Emma's. "Why would I hit you if you were just trying to keep me safe?"

Emma sighed softly. "I was just hoping that if I protected you, then you wouldn't see me as just a stupid girl who always needs saving..." Her gaze met the floor.

Ray tilted Emma's chin upwards so that she was looking at him.

"First of all, you aren't stupid. You have a good heart, even if your intentions don't turn out the best ways. But that's what I love about you. You're always the ray of sunshine, a source of hope in this forsaken world of demons and darkness. The reason that I protect you so much is because..." He trailed off.

Emma looked up at him. "Because what?"

"Because... Thinking about losing you, it shatters my heart into millions of pieces 'cause I love you, okay?"

Emma's heart was beating fast, and she hoped that Ray didn't hear it. "You... love me?"

Ray nodded, smiling warmly at her. "I do."

Emma smiled widely. "Good. Because I love you too! That's the reason I wanted to protect you, because the thought of you leaving me scares me to my core."

A warm sensation fluttered through her as Ray placed his lips on her cheek, kissing it softly.

"I'm never leaving you, I promise."

"Can you... do that again, Ray?"

Ray flashed his signature grin. "I'll do you one better."

He closed the gap between them as he kissed Emma on the lips. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him.

After pulling away, Emma's reddened face elicited a playful chuckle from Ray.

"You're so cute..." Ray murmured, playing with Emma's hair.

The orange-haired girl chuckled in response.

"You're not so bad yourself." She said, also messing with Ray's hair.

Ray smiled. "We should get some sleep." He spoke, noting the fact that the demons outside were growling lowly outside of the dark cave.

Emma nodded, latching onto him. "Sleep with me?" She asked hopefully.

Ray nodded in response. "Of course I will."

When the pair finally got to sleep, Emma was curled into Ray, refusing to let go as she snored softly. Ray didn't mind, in fact, he enjoyed having Emma curled into him. As he fell into a slumber, he dreamed of him and Emma kissing once again.

"It's Alright, Emma." RayEmma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now