Secret Agent Sealand: Act 1, Scene 1

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A/N: Okay so~ someone asked me to "Update Already!" (LaurenWallin) on Canada Speaks Up, but that story is made to be a one shot so I won't be updating that any time soon, or ever. Now then this is an idea I had a while ago and the universe has been thoroughly distracting me so I haven't updated in a really long time, but today is that day. Here's another one shot and I'm dedicating it to LaurenWallin because she really seemed to want me to update. I hope you all enjoy! :D 


The small soon-to-be (in his dreams) nation rubbed his sore, little bottom glaring most sadly at the overly large, I mean seriously they must be mocking my size as a country, elegant mahogany meeting hall doors.

"He didn't have to throw me out so roughly," moaned Sealand," that really hurt. All I wanted to do was be a part of the Allies...stupid crooked-toothed git." The blond munchkin glared sorrowfully one more time at the door before turning to go on his way back to his four citizens and just over two hundred square meters, those are like yards which are just like feet. Only BIGGER! We also have cleaning supplies and a goat; sometimes I ride the goat when swabbing the deck. And that is not a euphemism for anything, of old abandon British fort. As he stomped childishly down the hall a sudden darkness shrouded his eyes temporarily blinding him for the time being.

He was terrified lashing out, futilely, in all direction; throwing all his body weight with all his might against the scratchy, rough walls constricting his tiny body. He was getting a pounding headache from the rhythmic thumping of his head against his captures back and the heat and lack of oxygen was making his brain all fuzzy, but he could swear he heard a vaguely familiar voice  squawk something about Germany being so proud of him for successfully kid-er country-napping England.


Sealand awoke groggily opening his big blue eyes to realize his hands were bound behind his back and witnessing a distraught military looking blond man, GERMANY, and a cowering red head, ITALY, squabbling with each other as a cool headed dark haired man, OH NO it's Japan. That means this is the Axis Powers HQ! Oh, how did this happen?

“It was an honest mistake, I swear Germany, I didn't mean to screw up on purpose." Italy's high pitched voice whined through the hall causing Sealand to grimace in pain as his head thumped painfully once agian.

"I sure hope you didn't mean to, you bumbling fool! now we don't have England and we're stuck babysitting some brat from god knows where! I should skin you where you stand. I gave you one job, ONE, and you couldn't even do that-" Japan cut Germany off.

"He did tell you Germany, 'That you can tell me to do things and I'll disappoint you[', right?"

"Ahh...I hate it when your right but you are so...*sigh* what are we supposed to do with the little one?" They turn and were surprised to see the small boys open wide and comprehending every word they trio exchanged.

"I'm not a brat," the boy set his jaw stubbornly, "and my name is Sealand!"

"Hory Herr, he does rook rike England."

"I know right? You two are always going on about how childish England is and how he acts like a little kid and has big eyebrows and......isn't Sealand that big hunk of metal floating in the ocean?" Italy was happy with everyone's discovery but slowly found himself getting distracted and moving off topic.

"I am not! Sure we only have four citizens and a goat but we are working hard to be notice as a nation and make England rue the day he forgot about us and always spanked me for disrupting the adults meeting. I mean I'm an adult too, I even have Dukes and Duchess labels for some of my citizens...." At first Sealand was defending himself but the further he got into his sentence the more angry tears pricked at his eyes and his face started to burn red with the anger and betrayal of what England did to him. A small sob escaped his tiny chest and once one came he couldn't stop.

"This is the worst," he yelled, "first I get thrown out of the Allies meeting and then I get kidnapped by the Axis because they think I'm the one person who my people hate and ...and..I want to go HOME!!!" The tears were falling freely now and Axis was shocked into silence as the poor little boy cried his eyes out over England's brutality towards him.

"Go help him Germany," Japan whispered into the soldier’s ear

"Me?" Germany asked bewildered," Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you're the most reliable and i bet you're good with kids too." Italy smiled happily at his "Big Brother".

"Well, alright." Germany sighed and moved toward the upset little boy,' come here little one. It's all right. I promise."


A/N: So this was originally supposed to be two pages or so but it got pretty deep pretty fast so I'm going to seperate it into points of veiw. ENJOY!~

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