Part 8

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Sasha's POV

I was sitting in class listening to Deja's iPod. My parents took mine. There was a sub not much work needed to be done, I finished in the first ten minutes now I'm waiting for everyone else.

"So your off the team?" Deja asked.

"Girl, did you see me play last week? I had to give my jersey back and everything. It was straight torture."

"That really sucks but I bet you won't be skipping any other classes."

"Hell no, my father almost killed me."

She laughed. I didn't find that funny. I finished that class and went to my chemistry class, oh joy. I sat down and tried to pay attention but it was so boring. I damn near fell asleep. But the thing that woke my ass up was when I heard the door open and Deja tapped me. I looked and straighten up quick. I act like I didn't see her and focused on the board. Did she see me half way asleep? Did Mrs. Jackson know she was coming? Are they in this together?

My mom went and sat in the back but I still acted like she wasn't there. People was trying to take pictures but Mrs. Jackson shut all that down. While we did the worksheet she gave us she went in the back to talk to my mom.

"Deja!" I whispered.

She didn't hear me so I whispered again. She still didn't hear me. I threw my pencil at her.

"Ow!" She said loud and I looked down at my paper.

She looked towards me and mouthed "What" as she handed my pencil back.

"You think my mother saw me half sleep?" I whispered.

"I don't know but maybe she saw you almost blind your best friend."


"Girls." I heard.

We looked up.

"Sorry." We said.

I went back to my work. I swear I been doing good. It's only been a week and a half. I don't want to get in trouble no more, especially on my last day. When class was over I just sat in my seat while everyone got up. Deja did as well but not before speaking to my mom. I looked back and she got up. I did too but she shook my teachers hand and we left out. I wasn't sure if I was in trouble so I didn't want to walk too close to her.

"Calm down, your not in trouble."

I sighed in relief. She grabbed me and we walked to my locker. 

"Your teacher said you haven't skipped and she's noticed a difference in your work."

"Mommy, I'm really trying."

"I know, I can tell."

I got the rest of my stuff out my locker and followed my mom out the school. We got in the car and went to pick up Justin.

Beyoncé's POV

I went inside Justin's school while Sasha stayed in the car. I walked in and went to Justin's classroom. 

I walked in and Justin immediately ran up to me smiling. I smiled and picked him up.

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi baby." I said then I frowned. "Baby, why you got a scratch on your nose?"

"Oh, that's cause Brandon hit me and I hit him back." He said like it was nothing. "His tooth wiggly now."

I put Justin down when I saw his teacher walking towards me.

"Hi, Mrs. Carter."

"Hi you doing."

"Justin was in a scuffle with another student."

"Yeah, he told me." I said as I looked at Justin as held on to my leg.

"Yes, Justin said another student took his crayon and they started arguing and the boy that hit your son was picked up earlier."


"Also Mrs. Carter we don't tolerate violence."

"I understand that but if my son gets hit first he's not going to stand there and get beat up."

"Hopefully, next time Justin will tell me if a student takes something from him. Right Justin." She said as she looked at him.

"Yes." Justin said.

"I promise you Mrs. Carter. This won't happen again."

"Okay, thank you. Come on Justin."

I walked with Justin to get his bag and we walked out. My child is no punching bag. If someone hits him, he's hitting back. Unless it's a female. 

We walked to the car and Justin got in the car.

"Sash, guess what?" Justin said as I drove off.


"I got in a fight."

I sighed.

"Justin, that's not anything to be proud of."

Sasha turned around in her seat I'm guessing to look at Justin as I drove towards the city.

"You got a little scratch."

"Yeah but his tooth wiggly."

"You loosened his tooth!"

"Uh huh, yep."

She turned back around.

"Ma, where are we going?"

"Your brother asked us to come meet him so we can go to dinner."

"What about daddy and Brook."

"They'll meet us." I said.

We drove into the city with Justin talking to Sasha about his day and just talking period. We arrived at the Jungle Studios and got out. We went in and he told me he was in studio B. We walked in and he was playing something he was up dancing to. It sounds like a dance track. We walked further in and I saw Jordin and Court sitting on the couch.

"Jordin." Justin said as he went over to her.

I hugged Jordin and Court and then went over to Corey. We hugged.

"What's this?"

"A song I did call "Yeah"."

"Fist bumping music." I said.

He laughed and nodded.

"I know how I want the video. I can picture me pop locking to this." He said.

A few minutes later Shawn and Brook walked in and we were ready to go. We went to a restaurant not too far from the studio. After dinner we went to a game as a big old happy family. I don't know why we get a seat for Justin he never sits in it. Usually he's in my lap or standing near Shawn. I just keep my purse in it. We were enjoying the game when I saw Rihanna coming this way. Oh god, please don't start nothing.

Brook's POV

Oh shit, she better not start nothing. Especially with Jordin here. I was sitting on one side of Corey and Jordin was on another. She walked past me and Court. She knows Court why didn't she say anything to her?

"Hey Corey." She said.

He glanced at her.

"Hey, what's up."

"Did you get a new phone?" She asked.

This chick is reaching. I know she see Jordin right there.

"Yeah, I did but if you need a feature or something you got my manager number." He said.

"Oh, so it's like that?" She said.

Corey shrugged.

"Hi, Rihanna." Jordin said as she intertwined her and my brothers hand and smiled.

I turned to Courtney where we shared a silent laugh with each other. 

"Hi, Jordin." She said and kept it moving.

My brother must really want Jordin back. He done got his shit together. I'm proud.

"Okay, can I say homegirl thought she was slick." Sasha said.

I nodded and completely agreed with her.

Corey's POV

 Oh. My. God. That was seriously a test. Months ago I would've just gave her my number her just cause but I am not fucking up anymore. I can tell Jordin still feels some type of way for me cause of the way she acted with Rihanna. I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to have two girls acting like that but I only want Jordin. I looked at her.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." She said smiling.

I nodded and looked up towards God.

"Can you not play with me like that anymore." I thought.

I felt my phone vibrate and it was weird it seemed everyone got a text but Jordin.

"Christmas Eve Dinner. Y'all are helping cook." It read.

I looked at everyone and then we looked down at my mom. She waved.

"Really? You could've told us this in the car." Sasha said.

She shrugged and we sat back.

"Aye, I call the salad."

"What no fair." Sasha said.

"Don't worry, don't nobody cook salad for Christmas Eve dinner." Court said.

"Shit, watch me." I said.

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