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Oh, I've been dazed and confused
From the day I met you

Changbin tapped his leg anxiously. He missed his husband beyond words and it'd been way too long for comfort. He was beyond happy to have met Felix. He'd wanted to meet him for years and finally he got to and holding Felix just felt so... So right to him. It felt so normal and he didn't question it at all, but he knew he should.

The car pulled to a stop and the pair thanked Chan, grabbing changbins bags, hopping out and going up to the door,

"Oh my god.. wait..." changbin whispered to himself, hoping Felix would hear before stepping inside, "Im nervous, lix.."

Felix turned to the ravenette, displaying a soft smile, "it's all gonna be okay bin. he misses you.. a lot." he assured him, gently squeezing his hand before opening the door and gesturing for the other to follow him, kicking off his shoes and stepping through the entry way, going past the stairs and to the living room.

"hey jinnie"

the before mentioned boy looked up and smiled, "heya lix-" the brunette froze, his eyes immediately glossing over as he stood, "b-binnie.."

changbin chuckled softly, "hi baby"

at that, hyunjin basically hurdled the coffee table and tackled the elder in a tight hug, "oh my god.. I missed you... so much.."

changbin chuckled and wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, smiling, "I missed you too..."

Felix smiled bitterly to himself, looking down before walking into the kitchen, giving the two space.

hyunjin leaned back and cupped his husband's face, "c-can I...?"

the brunette in his hands nodded softly and leaned in, connecting their lips feeling the hole in his heart slowly disappear. staying in Korea made him so stressed out and he just needed his husband, regretting ever fighting with him in the first place.

"I love you hyunjin.. I'm so sorry" changbin spoke after leaning back, looking at the floor

"what? no.. no no, why are you sorry? you... didn't ever do anything wrong..." hyunjin asked in a panic, tilting the latter's face up

"because... you went all the way to Australia because of me..." changbin whimpered, his bottom lip sticking out slightly

"that isn't true babe... " hyunjin left a kiss on his forehead, "that isn't true at all.. everything was my fault..".

changbin just shook his head and ran a hand through the brunettes hair, "it's fine baby.. I forgive you... let's.. go eat. yeah?"

hyunjin nodded and smiled, pulling his husband into the kitchen. his aunt, Tiffany, immediately recognizing the boy,

"oh my, changbin! so you're the boy my nephew married. I saw all the posts but I couldn't make it there for the wedding! I'm Tiffany!" she smiled brightly, holding a hand out for the boy to shake after wiping it on her apron

changbin gladly took her hand, smiling, "a pleasure."

changbin and Tiffany launched into a conversation about something in Korea as hyunjins eyes traveled to Felix,

"hey.." he tapped his arm softly, "are you okay bub? you seem.. sad"

Felix looked up quickly, smiling then whispering, "no! I'm great! it's just... I can't believe I met changbin like this.."

hyunjin looked at the pair behind him who were obviously distracted and took the seat next to Felix at the counter, "what do you mean?"

"I just... wish I had been able to meet him before.." Felix mumbled quietly into his hands and hyunjin just nodded in understanding, standing up and hugging the sitting blonde, squeezing him gently

"I understand lixie.. it's okay."

Felix nodded and leaned into his arms before ms. hwang announced dinner was finished, they separated and the three sat next to one another as Tiffany gave them each a plate of pasta, retreating to the living room.

hyunjin smiled softly to himself while eating and changbin noticed this, giggling softly,

"nothing! I just.. both of you are here right now.."

Felix smiled softly and nudged him with his elbow, "don't be cheesy. I'm lactose intolerant."

this caused the three of them to break into a fit of giggles, cracking jokes while eating the remaining food and then putting away their dishes.

the pair went upstairs to hyunjin's room, which had a couch and a TV and they decided to watch a series. hyunjin leaned on the arm of the couch, allowing changbin to lay against him, Felix on the complete opposite side of the couch.

They turned on IU's drama series and after two episodes changbin looked over and saw that Felix seemed really sad, then tapped his husband, "he looks so sad.. can we?"

hyunjin smiled and nodded, then the darker haired boy scooted over, gently wrapping an arm around Felix,

"bin.. what are you doing?"

"you looked sad, so, cuddles."

the blonde didn't even try to object and leaned against changbin, smiling when hyunjin joined the two. the ravenette gently rubbled Felix's back, smiling at the fact that he was holding the two people that meant more than anything in the world, and that all of them were together in the moment.

they didn't worry about tommorow.


loving you  ;; changjinlixWhere stories live. Discover now