Part 1

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I walked into the school nervous and scared for what will happen today. "I wish I could leave this place" kai thought to himself.

Everything was going well until jaehyun came in. "Hey nerd, meet me at the front of the school at six"jaehyun said with a rude tone in his voice. Kai just froze there and said nothing

Time skip

Jaehyun was at the front of the school waiting for kai. "What is taking that loser so long"jaehyun said

Time past and kai finally arrived

"Now its time for some fun"jaehyun said.
"W-what do u mean?"kai said scared.
Jaehyun just smirked and started kicking kai in the stomach and punching him repeatedly.
Until someone yelled "LET HIM GO!"
*jaehyun turned around and saw soobin yelling at him to let kai go* "mind your own business loser" jaehyun said.

"NO"soobin stated.
"FINE!"jaehyun said
*when jaehyun and his crew left,soobin could not stand seeing kai on the ground like that*
"Are you okay?!"soobin said.
*no response*
"Oh no"soobin states.
*soobin took kai to his house and laid him on his bed*

Time skip
*kai woke up with a lot of bruises*
Soobin:"your awake"
Kai:"what happened?"
Soobin:"well,I saved u from being hurt..."
Kai:thank you for helping but I'm fine...
Soobin:are you sure?
"Yes I'm sure"kai said.
Soobin:oh ok. "I should get going now,because my dad will kill me"kai said.
"Ok,well if u need anything then here is my number so that you can call or text me"soobin said.
Kai:thanks soobin. 
Soobin:np🙃.    *kai blushed and then left*

At home

I arrived home at 8:00 at night and I knew that my dad will start a fight!
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!"his dad yelled.
"I was just with my friend..."kai said with a sad tone.
"THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE!"his dad stated.
"IM SORRY,OK!?"kai shouted
*his dad shouted before slapping kai in the face* Kai:STOP PLEASE! 
*kai ran out of the house quickly*
Time skip
*kai was at the bathroom of a gas station*
Kai:I can't believe that I'm about to do this...
*kai started to cut his wrists*

Time skip

*kai went home and went to his room before anything bad could happen*
"Time for bed"kai thought to himself.

Time skipped at school

*when kai arrived at school,he started to hear chanting* kai:what is that?
*kai saw jaehyun fighting with some other boy*
"Oh my god"kai said to himself.
Sooner or later jaehyun and the other boy got suspended.
*kai was in such in a relief that jaehyun is being suspended for a whole entire two weeks*

Soobin:hey kai
Kai:hi soobi🤗
*soobin blushed at what kai said*
Soobin:so umm... why did you not text me yet...?
Kai:sorry...I w-was just busy.
Soobin:oh ok.
*soobin saw the cuts on kai's wrists*
Soobin: what is that kai?
Kai: it's nothing...
Soobin:it is something kai and I know it!
Soobin:what is going on...
*kai ran away crying*
*soobin started to follow kai because he was so worried for kai*

Time skipped

*kai ran home without noticing that soobin was still following secretly* 
"YOUR LATE AGAIN!"his dad shouted.
*kai's dad started to kick him and punch him*
"YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!"kai's dad shouted.
*soobin was secretly watching and stared to feel worried for kai*

Few minutes later

*The police arrived and toke kai's dad to jail*
Soobin: KAI WAKE UP! Soobin started to cry
*the ambulance cam and took him to the hospital*
*kai then woke up in a hospital bed,and when kai turned to his right he saw soobin crying while holding his hand*
Soobin:are you okay?
Kai:I'm fine...

Few days later passed
*kai was out of the hospital and left with soobin *
Soobin: I'm sorry that you have been going through all of these hurtful things...
Kai:it's okay,it's not your fault
*kai then went to soobin a house instead*
Soobin:are you sure you want to keep living at your house,because if not then you can move to my house since I live alone?
Soobin:okay I will let you go pack up
Kai: okay see you later soobi!
*kai was done packing his stuff*
Kai:I can't believe I'm going to live with soobin🥰
"Am I blushing?"
Kai:yes I am
*time passed*
Kai:I'm back soobi
Soobin: yay!
Kai:I could sleep on the couch
Soobin:why don't we just sleep together because I don't want either of us to sleep in the floor or the couch.
Kai:okay soobi

Time skip

*soobin woke up thinking that he will see kai but however kai was not there*
Soobin:where did he go?

*Authors note*
Sorry if this chapter was a little boring.
This is my first story that I'm making so that is why it is a little boring af😂
I hope you guys like it so far.

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