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— TWO.


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HE HAD BOUGHT THE MONTHLY membership. ¥32000. ¥32000 on that camgirl he despised (yet adored) so much. Now he wasn't any different from Kirishima or Kaminari and he spat on himself for that.

Why, you ask? Because every time it was Friday afternoon, he couldn't wait to get home and wait for the holy hour to arrive.


But of course, it was Friday, but far from his desired hour, 13:00. He was stuck with Minami Y/n, or how he called her, 'Weird Eyes,' who couldn't stop apologising for her poor physical skills. The relentless beating of the heat down his neck didn't help with his foul mood either.

What was her quirk again?

Scratch that.

Who even was she?

He couldn't even remember how she did on her Quirk Apprehension Test during their first year, or seeing her name on the league tables during the Sports Festival. He only heard from her friends that she got scouted by a hero modelling agency. For all he knew, Minami Y/n was completely blank in his list.

He knew for a fact that her and Uraraka were like two peas in a pod, and one of the other reasons he didn't know much about her was because she was cherished and protected by the rest of the girls in his class.

Bakugou wondered why.

He stole a sideway glance towards the trembling girl next to him, who couldn't stop sulking about how she'll slow him down.

And everyone undoubtedly knew that Minami Y/n wasn't the best when it came to physical activities.

And she was his partner for the physical exam, which of course, contributed towards a big part of their final grade (40%, actually).

"Oi, Minami," he nudged her lightly, making her look at him mortified.

"Y- yes?" She gulped, greeted by the his inquisitive crimson eyes. 

"What was your quirk again?" He asked, looking at the obstacle race in front of them.

Luckily, they weren't the first ones to go. It was Glasses and Racoon Eyes, and he watched disinterested how they charged blindly towards the obstacle course of Ground Beta.

"What did you say?" He asked again.

Y/n yelped.

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